Chapter 4

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Bella's pov

As soon as I asked my sister how my daughter was Emma turned and looked at me as she said Belle is ok she just really misses her mom and Pinocchio AKA August really misses his wife but he has been taking really good care of his step daughter and I smiled and said that's good I can't wait to see them again and Emma said yeah they really want to see you to.

Then I said so how are things with you and Hook going and Emma smiled and said we got married 8 months ago and I smiled and said oh my that's brilliant congrats sis and Emma said thanks I am really sorry you could make it though and I said oh don't be you couldn't put your life on hold forever looking for me don't worry sis.

After that Henry said well aunt Bella you ready we are almost there and I said oh yes I am so ready and then Emma said so I take it you want to go home first before you try and break this curse and I said yes of course I do I want to see my family who I haven't seen in 2 years now and Emma said ok then we will go home.

Then I said good thank you but just make sure to act like you didn't find me when you up to mom and dad's apartment I want to surprise them all and Emma said ok sis and then I said you to Henry and Henry laughed and said ok aunt Bella and then Emma continued to drive us through story brooke back to my parents apartment.

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