Chapter 16

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Bella's pov

Once I got to my parent's place I walked into granny's and I knew I was hungry so I walked over to the till I saw Ruby serving people and she said good morning Bella can I help you and I said yes Ruby can I have a hot toastie and a hot chocolate to go please and Ruby said yes of course and then she walked away from me and went into the back.

So then I just stood there waiting and after a couple of minutes she came back out and handed me the toastie and the hot chocolate and I went to give her the money but she said no Bella it's on the house and I said thank you Ruby but you really don't have to and then granny came out and said she didn't I did now get going you have a witch to kill and a curse to break.

Then I laughed and said thank you granny and granny smiled and said your welcome now go and I said yes ma'am and then I walked away from the till and I walked over to the stairs and I walked up them as I started eating my breakfast and drinking my hot chocolate and I didn't stop walking until I got to my parents apartment.

So then on the way to my parents apartment I kept on thinking of Belle and of how parinod she has got because of me being away for so long and I made as promise to myself that no matter what happens that I would never again put her through what I had these last 2 years because she deserves to have a normal teenage life with friends and boys not having to worry about her mom.

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