Chapter 28

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7 months later

Bella's pov

It's been 7 months since me and Gold came to Neverland to find Neal and we still haven't found him but what we did find out was that I was pregnant almost as soon as we arrived in Neverland and so now I am 7 months which is really hard for me because all I do is walk and I'm getting so big and the reason for that is because I haven't been getting many breaks like a pregnant woman should be getting.

So also everyday I keep in contact with my family back in story brooke and they also no I'm pregnant and every time I talk to them they always tell me to come home but I always say no because I needed to find Neal and they always say alright then be careful and so I say ok and I'll talk to you soon and then we hang up and me and Gold go back to looking for Neal everyday and with no luck.

Right now me and Gold are searching the woods of Neverland and we have been doing that for hours now so I said as I began to feel faint Gold we have to stop right now and Gold said no Bella we can't and I said Gold if you don't want me to faint on you then we have to stop and then Gold stopped walking and looked at me and said god Bella you don't looked so good and I said oh yeah you think and then I stopped and sat down on a tree log.

Then Gold said what is wrong Bella and I said it must be because the baby isn't getting enough oxygen and Gold said and wouldn't it be and I said well maybe because the mother hasn't stopped walk in over 7 months and Gold said ok fine maybe it is that but what do you want me to do Bella I must find my son and I said yes I know you must which is why I must stay here and Gold said no way and I said yes I'm holding you back.

So then Gold said then who is going to show me the way and I said she is and then I held my hand out and I made my hand glow from my powers as I made a fairy appear and she flew over to Gold and Gold said what no way and I said it's the only way Gold I can't move anymore because if I do I'm going to go into early labor and believe you me you don't want that.

Then Gold said alright fine when I find Neal I will come back for you I promise and I said thank you now go and Gold said ok Bella and he started walking as he started following the fairy and as he left with the fairy I shouted don't lose the fairy Gold she the only way you will find him and then I heard Gold shouted ok Bella I won't lose her.

So after Gold said that I lost him because I could hear him anymore and so I knew with the help of the fairy he would find Neal and he would come back for me and we would all go home and so for a while I just sat on the tree branch relaxing my stomach for my baby to get the air it needed but then I heard branches crack and I got freaked out so I stood up and out my hands on my stomach and then the next thing I saw was darkness.

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