Chapter 15

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Bella's pov

Once we got to the school we stopped outside the gates and I saw a lot of kids walking into the building and so I said alright sweetie we are here and Belle said I know but I don't want to go and I said I know princess but you have to I know your scared incase I don't come back so how about if I pick you up after school today.

Then Belle said you promise you will be here when school ends and I said I promise I will be here after school Belle sweetie she took me from you once she won't do it again ok and Belle said as she let go of my hand and pulled me into a hug ok mom and then I hugged her back and I said as I heard the school bell ring ok sweetie you need to go.

So then Belle said ok mom and she let go of me and started walking into the school and as she did she kept looking back and waving at me and so I waved at her to and I kept waving until I saw her go into the school and as she did I smiled and then walked away from the school and walked towards Gold's shop AKA Rumpelstiltskin who is also Neal's father Belle's grandfather and I kept walking until I got to the shop.

As soon as I got to the shop I opened the door and I walked into the shop and as I did the bell went on top of the door and I groaned as I shut the door after me as I walked into the shop and then I walked up to the till and as I did I saw Rumpelstiltskin walk out from the back of the shop and he looked at me and smiled and said well well it is true you are back.

Then I said yes I'm back now why did you need to talk to me and Gold said oh so Belle told you then and I said yes she did now what do you want Gold I am very busy today and Gold said well I need your help and I said oh yeah what for and Gold said well a few months back there was this couple called Greg and Tamara and they opened a portal to neverland and it sucked Neal into it.

So when he said that I gasped and said what happened and Gold said they kidnapped Henry and brought him through to but Emma and you mom and dad got Henry home but not Neal and I said yeah ok so what do you want me to do and Gold said I want you to come with me to find him and I said what no way I just got back and plus I need to kill this witch.

Then Gold said yeah you can kill the witch of course but then after you do you will come with me to neverland and help me find Neal and I said and what happens if I don't and Gold laughed and said well if you don't then I will tell the whole town who you really turned killed all those years ago and then you will be an outcast in this town and I gasped knowing what he was talking about.

After I gasped Gold laughed and said so have we got a deal and I said knowing I had no choice because I didn't want my parents finding out that I killed their only son ok fine you have a deal and Gold said good so you hae 2 days to kill that witch or I go around telling the town and I said fine whatever and then I walked away from gold and walked out of his shop and I kept walking until I got to my parents apartment in granny's. 

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