Chapter 12

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Bella's pov

Once I walked into my daughter's room I saw her look up at me and as she did she gasped and stood up and ran over to me and hugged me and said momma your back I know daddy told me you were but I didn't believe him because we have been searching for so long now and she started crying.

So then I rubbed her head like I did when she was a kid and I said hey my sweet sweet Belle everything is going to be ok mommy is home and she isn't leaving ever again and Belle said I missed you mom and I said I missed you to baby girl and then I pulled her off of me and I walked us both over to the bed.

Then I sat us both down on it and I said ok so now what has been going on with you and Belle said well I'm in high school now and I have lots of friends and I said well I am very proud of the girl you have become and I would like to meet these friends sometime soon ok and Belle laughed and said mom they aren't boyfriends they are girl friends.

So then I smiled and yeah well still I would like to meet them and Belle said ok you can meet them tomorrow and I said ok but first mommy has to go kill a witch to keep us all safe and Belle said ok mom and then she hugged me again and said I love you mommy and I said as I hugged her tightly to me I love you to Belle always and forever I promise.

Then Belle said yes mom always an forever and then I smiled as Belle pulled out of the hug and then Belle said mom grandpa Rumble said he wanted to talk to you and I said ok sweetie I'll talk to him tomorrow ok and Belle said ok mom and then I kissed Belle's cheek and said alright baby it's time for you to go to bed.

As I said that Belle groaned and said but mom and I laughed and said no buts you have school tomorrow and Belle said but I only just got you back and I said I know princess but I'll be here all you life but school won't now bed please and Belle said fine and she said up and got into her bed and lied down.

Then as she lied down I stood up and went over to her and kissed her cheek and said good night my angel and Belle said night mom I'll see you tomorrow right and I said yes you will I'm not going anywhere ever again I promise you that and Belle said ok mom and so then I walked over to her room door and I went to go out it.

As I went to go out the door Belle stopped me and said mom can you take me to school tomorrow instead of dad and she gave me her puppy face and I laughed and said well you know I can't say no to that face so yes I'll take you to school tomorrow as long as there is no mucking about when you get up because mom has to be at grandma Snow's and grandpa Charming's house at 9am.

Then Belle smiled and said ok mom no mucking about I promise thank you and I said your welcome now go to sleep and Belle laughed and said ok mom and she lied down the way she likes to and she went to school and as she was going to sleep I backed out of the room and then I closed her door over and headed into the bathroom where August was getting my bath ready.

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