Chapter 1: Private lesson

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          I was turning and turning in my private lesson trying to beat my consecutive turn record of 10. I beat it and I got 25. New record! I had to tell Miss Abby and Gia. 

I know everyone thinks she's so mean and rude, but Miss Abby really isn't. She's so nice, and supportive to me. I'm pretty sure the directors force her to be mean. She really understands me and helps me in my lessons. 

It can get kind of embarrassing in the studio though because I'm a 12 year old just learning to dance. I pretty much suck. I can barely do any tricks and I have a terrible form. But I have been working on this new solo. It's called "We'll Be The Stars" and I love it so much. I couldn't have asked for a better solo. 

While I was practicing in the studio I guess miss Abby walked in, because when I finished she started clapping really loud. "Kayla, that was amazing!"

"Thanks Miss Abby. I have been working really hard on my form and technique at home. And, guess what?!" I asked.

"What?" She replied.

"I got 25 consecutive turns today!" I exclaimed.

"Kayla, that's great! Speaking of turns I have a surprise for you." She said.

"What is it?" Right as I say that she pulls something out behind her back. "Turning shoes! I have always wanted those! Thank you so much!" I exclaimed excitedly.

"I have one more surprise for you!" She says as my mom and Gia walk in the room. My mom stands next to me while Gia stands behind Abby. 

"I was just telling her about the surprise!" She tells them.

"Oh." Gia and my mom say at the same time.

"Kayla, I am inviting you to come dance with the junior elite team for one week. If you show me a lot of potential, I will keep inviting you back. If you end up coming for 3 weeks, then I will give you a jacket to be an official part of the team." She tells me.

"Yay!" I run over and hug Miss Abby. I would have never expected this. I'm terrible! But I guess Miss Abby believes in me.
Hey guys! This is my first fanfiction book and only my second book so if it's not that good sorry! I hope you like this!

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