Chapter 12: Pyramid #2

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Ugh. I'm gonna be on the bottom of the pyramid this week because I let a newbie beat me. and I didn't even come in second! I came in fourth! I can't believe I let this happen. Abby will be so mad at me. and then my mom is going to Jump at her and then there will be more consequences. this is going to be a bad day.

This is going to be a great day! I could be on top of the pyramid! Everything I did I came in first place. this is going to be an amazing day not just great.

We arrived at the studio and greeted Abby and Gia at the front desk then headed into the dancers den where Mackenzie and Maddie were sitting because they wee always first.
"Hey Mackenzie! Hey Maddie!"
"Hey Kayla!" Maddie replied back to me very peppy. "you did so good this weekend! I can't believe you won first place for everything! You even beat Kendall who has been here sense she was 7!" Right as Maddie said that Kendall walked in and you could tell by the look on Maddies face she felt horrible. "oh... Hey Kendall!" Maddie said trying to coverup what happened.
"Hey" Kendall said in an annoyed dull voice.
"Hey there girls." Jill said to us but I could tell she hated me. she was more intending that to be for Mackenzie and maddie. "so what did you do to celebrate last night after winning first place three times Kayla?"
"Nothing much. my mom just took me out for some ice cream"
"Well isn't that fantastic" she said sarcastically. all of us looked at her with a very weird face it was kind of a "a mom being a bully?" Face.

I really wish my mom would stop. I like Kayla and yea I'm mad she beat me but I'm mad at everyone who beats me and Kayla deserved it she had a lot on her plate this past week.

Everyone finally arrived and we headed into studio A for pyramid.
"GIRLS GET IN HERE!" Abby yelled out to us. the moms took of there shoes and we scurried into the studio. "well we had a very successful weekend. congratulations. I am proud of you guys. Ok so keys get to the pyramid. first kendall. you let a newbie like Kayla beat you. guess you aren't by number two anymore" everyone looked at kendall. I kind of felt bad. Abby was really harsh. she didn't deserve that. then Jill perks up.
"Well Abby in all fairness Kayla is terrible. she started dance a year ago and barely knows anything. you give her choregraphy that requires her to look bad so the judges don't see that she actually is bad." I started to cry. that really hurt.
""Kayla come here" miss Abby said. she opened her arms for a hug. "do not listen to her. you are a great dancer and what she's saying is not true." I left the embrace and got back in line with the rest of the girls wiping away the extra tears. "kendall" miss Abby said. "how do you feel about your mom saying that."
"Well I think sometimes my mom should just keep her mouth quiet because it will just get me and her in trouble and also I dint think it was fair of her to say that about Kayla because Kayla is a really great dancer and she has worked really hard over this past week." I looked over at Jill who was glaring at her own daughter. Kendall just totally through Jill under the bus.
"Thank you kendall. that was very brave of you and I am proud of you for saying that. moving on, next we have jojo. you fell in the group dance. that is going to affect you."
Third row- Kendall jojo Kalani Mackenzie
" Second row. maddie. yiu were just kind if there. even in the duet. you didn't suprise anyone. I am disappointed in you. then nia you did amazing. couldn't be prouder. and on top we have Kayla." everybody clapped. "You had 3 dances this week and got first in all of them. you really proved to me you could handle this. great job."

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