Chapter 14: PLL

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Today was the day of the pretty little liars audition.i was bound to get the part. even though I didn't have bright blonde hair or really dark brown hair it was ok. they were going to have to make an exception for me. I was perfect. little miss Maddie ziegler. no one ever said no to me. on the outside I pretended like I was very humble and didn't think I was perfect but deep down I'm a cocky little perfect girl that people have to try hard to be friends with me. Kayla is lucky she's part if this dance team otherwise she would never be friends with me.

I am kind of disappointed I am not going to the audition. I mean it would have been good practice for me for the future but it's a waste of time. I could never get that part. its probably better for me to stay here and practice.

At the audition

"Welcome girls." Ashley benson said. she is the girl who plays Hannah on the show. Pretty little liars is one of my favorite shows. I can't believe I have the chance to audition for it. "so we have called your dance studio only to come audition for the show. we only called your studio because in our eyes you are the best dance studio in the country. so what we are going to have you do is the first part of the audition is you will be saying the lines we give you and the whole cast of pretty little liars will be on the other side of this mirror watching you while I stay I'm here to be the person you speak to. the second part will be dancing. we asked Abby to bring some music and you will dance to it. so I'm going to go get set up and you and Abby can figure out who goes first and what music your using. ok?"
"Ok!" We all sake in unison. we were so excited.
"Thank you Ashley. come here girls" Abby called. she told us to gtd in a line so she could tell us what music we were each using and it was one of our old solos that our moms chose for us that they tonight we did best in.

All the other girls had gotten their music and they were in line waiting to go for their lines.
"Kayla. obviously you only have one solo to choose from but I chose this weeks solo because I think you are doing really well with it. sounds good?"
"Yes. that sounds perfect.. thanks miss abby"
"Your welcome. now go get in line for your lines"

everyone just finished their lines and now it was time for dancing. Abby gave me my solo selfie which I had competed with about a month ago. I had one first place with that one and beat Kenzie who came in third that competition. I think I had a good chance at being Hannah.

I and just finished dancing and I was the last one go go. that meant the end of the audition.
"Thank you girls so much for coming out here today. we saw some great talent but we are going to need tonight to choose our cast. you will most likely here from us tomorrow. have a great night and we can't wait to work with some of you" Ashley said and then we walked out all praying for a spot on the show.

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