Chapter 5: Day 2

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"Girls, we will not be starting with the group dance today because I have not started the duet so we need to get going on that. everybody go sit in the dancers den except Maddie and kayla" wow. that was a mouthful from Abby. it's kind of funny that duets name is abuse. it seems like I'm always the kid getting abused. everybody rights fan fiction about how my mom Melissa abuses me when she doesn't. my step dad does. I didn't like him from the beginning. he says if I tell my mom about what he does to me, he will kill me my mom and Mackenzie. I can't take the blame for Mackenzie and moms death so I just keep my mouth shut. I cover up my scars and bruises with makeup and if I forget to cover one up I make up an excuse like I feel of my bed or something. hopefully I'm not getting abused for real this time.

I can tell by the look on Maddies face she doesn't like this dance. also by the way she's dancing. it seems like she's done this before. it almost seems real, like she's actually been abused. then I notice the darkest biggest bruise I've ever seen peeking out from under her crop top. oh my god. Maddie has been abused before.

"Wow melissa. Maddie is doing great. it seems so real."
"I know. I've never seen her dance like that before. usually a dance seems real when the story going on has happened to the dancer before but Maddie has never been abused before so it's weird."
"Are you sure?" Jess asks. "there is a giant bruise coming it from under top"
"I know I saw that too. was really worried when I saw it so I asked her about it and she said it was because she fell off her bed but my room is right under neath hers and I dint hear a thud but I have to believe her. I mean after all she is my daughter" I don't think Maddie hurt herself falling off her bed. that is a bruise you get one someone punches you or beats you will a stick. Maddie was physically hurt by someone else. nothing like that in that soot couldn't have happened anyway else, and I'm a doctor so I know my stuff. Maddie is getting abused.
"Melissa that is not the kind of bruise you get from falling off your bed someone physically hurt maddie. That is a bruise you get when someone punches you or kicks you."
"Your right holly. I will ask her about it at the end if dance I'm front of you all for back up" Jill and Kira nod their head in agreement. we could potentially be saving maddie.

as I walked out of studio A in to the dancers den I could feel the bruise in my back throbbing. shoot. I forgot to cover it with make up today and it is visible from under my crop top. great. As I step over the step into the den I see all the moms waiting there. they usually just wait for us outisde. this is all so weird.
"Hey maddie. you know that bruise I asked you about the other day?"
"Um... yea. the one on my knee?" I was hoping she digit it was in my back because I do actually have a small one on my knee. that one was actually from hitting my knee against my bed post, which my step dad pushed me into.
"No sweetheart. the one on your back" danget. she rembered.
"Oh that one"
"Are you sure it's from falling off your bed?"
"Yea. that's what I said happened."
"You would never get a bruise like that from falling off your bed" Jill snapped back at me.
"Plus you have carpeting in your room and your floor is always clean because you are a neat freak. now Maddie tell me what actually happened" my mom was serious now. I couldn't tell her though. if only she understood what was actually going on.
"In fell on my phone"
"Maddie sweetheart. you wouldn't get a bruise from falling on your phone at least not on like that. that kind of bruise is from when someone physically hurt you" Kira explained to me. all the girls looked at me in aw.
"Maddie what's going on?" Kenzie asked me. I wish I could tell her. pore sweet little mackenzie.
"Nothing! I fell off my bed! Can we just go home now?" I grabbed my bag and stormed out of the studio to the car. I was going to have to tell my mom in the car. she was too suspicious and was going to find out eventualy.

The car was completely silent on the way home. I had to break the silence and tell my mom what Derek (my step dad) was doing to me.
"Yes maddie" she replied back in a dull voice.
"I lied in the studio. I am getting physically hurt by someone. I'm getting abused" I can't believe I just told my mom that. Mackenzie was sitting in the back listening to her music so thankfully she didn't hear. my mom pulled the car over in a heartbeat.
"What?" She screamed. I started to cry.i can't believe I just told her that. me my mom and Kenzie were all gonna die. murdered if I had it be exact. she hugged me as I cried and little Mackenzie in the back had no idea what was going on.
"Who is doing this to you?" My mom said angrily. that's when I started it cry harder. I can't believe i was about to say this for reasons that nobody knows why except for me.
"Derek" I started to cry louder and louder and that's when my mom started to cry too. I just told her that her new husband is abusing her daughter. I will never forgive myself for telling her that. I wish I didnt. as we drove home we explained to Kenzie what happened and we all cried the way home. when we pulled into the driveway I had to tell my mom and Kenzie one last thing.
"Guys. be prepared if we die in there. he said if I told anyone he would kill all of us." Mackenzie started to cry the loudest I have ever heard her cry. I really wish this wasn't happening.
"I'm not gonna let him kill us. I have backup that I don't want to tell you girls about just in case we don't need it" we both nodded our heads and got out of the car. I started to cry as we walked up to the front door because I knew what I was doing was wrong. who knew what my moms back up was. I opened the door slowly crying. as I opened the door slowly I saw him standing in the kitchen. my mom was behind me along with kenzie. he looked at me confused but turned that confused look into a smile.
"Hey maddie!" He said as he raised his hand to give me a highfive.
"You touch my daughter and I shoot you!" My pulled out a gun behind her back and raised it at him. she thought he was going to hit me. as she was about to pull the rugged I stepped in front of her.
"STOP!" As long as I was infront of her she would never pull the trigger. I has no idea her back up was a gun. "I lied. he never abused me. I gave myself bruises and scars on purpose to make up this lie it get rid of him, not to kill him. I wanted to get rid of him because I love dad and you marrying Derek made dad depressed and you are always taking care of Derek now never prying attention to me or kenzie." I started to cry again and so did kenzie. she knew what I was talking about. mom pulled down the gun with a confused, angry, and sad face.
"Maddie come here" she said in as oft compassionate voice. "don't you ever scare me like that again. and I'm sorry if you feel bad for your father and if you feel like I'm not paying attention to you. I love you Madison"
"I love you too mom."
Oh my gosh! Plot twist! I can't belie I just wrote all of this. over 1,000 words! This is the longest chapter I have ever written on wattpad. sorry this was all about maddie. next chapter will be more about kayla.

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