Chapter 7: First bus ride

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"Come on girls!" Abby yelled. "Kalani come over me" I stepped out of the line to get on the bus and ran over. "you are one of my best dancers and one of the most responsible ones. I want you to be KAYLAS mentor. sit with her on the bus give her some tips and show her how it's done here at a completion. Ok?"
"Yes miss abby"
"Good girl. I'm proud of you" she patted my head and I ran off to the bus. I saw Kayla sitting alone not talking to anyone and I kind of felt bad so I'm glad I am doing this. hopefully I can get her in conversation with the rest of the girls.
"Kayla can I sit with you?"
"Um... yea. sure!"

I was sitting alone not talking to anyone. of course. I knew this would happen. as I start to curl up in the corner of my seat and plug my head phones in Kalani yells to me.
"Kayla can I sit with you?" I start to freak out. no one on this team has spoken to me all week except for Mackenzie and maddie.
"Um... yea. sure!" Maybe sitting Kalani is a good thing. I will meet a new friend. as Kalani starts to settle in I wonder what they do in the bus. probably the normals thing- sleep.
"Hey I'm gonna start to fall asleep if you need me"
"Sleep? We don't sleep on the bus. we talk dance hangout. we party! We have a good time"
"Ok. Then I guess I won't sleep"
"Who wants to play truth or dare?" Kalani yells
"Me!!!" We all raise her hands and scream.
"Ok. hmmmm. Kayla. truth or dare"
"duh dare. truth is for wimps" everybody laughs at that even nia who I can tell is the person who would choose truth.
"Wait. you just said dare to kalani. good luck. she gives the bets and worst dares." Mackenzie says to me. now I'm scared.
"Oh god"
"Hehe" Kalani says. "oh I have a good one. see Abby?"
"Well she's asleep. so take this whip cream and this feather and you know what to do"
"No. she would kill me. where did you get this anyway."
"I knew someone was going to fall asleep. it's a bus"
"Good point. ok here I go" all the moms tell me not to do it but it's truth or dare I have to! As I walk over to Abby I see her jerk and think she's going to wake up but she doesn't it. I see her hand palm just likening across her bags-perfect. I squirt a giant pile of whip cream on to her hand. then I tickle her nose- bam. whop cream all over her face! I did it! I got Abby lee miller.
"HAHAH!!!" Everyone starts laughing histerically. it was pretty funny. this was a pretty good bus rude after all.

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