Chapter 23: junior rivalry

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We were at the competition and me Mackenzie and jojo were getting ready for our solos. Mackenzie hasn't spoken to me in a week because she takes Abby really seriously and really wants to be the favorite. I was doing my appropriate makeup while jojo and Kenzie got there costumes on because my costume was white and I isn't want to go get any makeup on it while pulling it on.

"Solos 5 minutes till we go backstage" Abby yelled through out the green room. Kendall me and Kalani went to the corner so they could give me a pep talk while jojo and Kenzie finished their makeup.
"You can totally be Mackenzie and jojo. you have such good technique and you work super hard" Kalani said to me. I could always count on her to day the right things.
"Yea. kalanis right. I believe you in kayla. and remember when your out there we will be watching you because you are our bestfriend" Kendall said to me after Kalani spoke. I have high if them a hug and then Abby told us to go back stage. All of the girls came backstage with us. we did our good luck hand shake and then it was time to damce. the order was Mackenzie me then jojo.

I was running through my dance in my head while Mackenzie went. she was doing ok. she kind of stuttered and hesitated during one part because I think she forgot the dance for a second. Mackenzie went into her final pose and gave jojo a hug and then it was my time to go out.
"Now for number 58, Kayla with look in the mirror. I went out on tot eh stage and rolled on to the ground with my back to the audience and my knees pulled up to my chest. as the music started I turned around and stood up with out using my hands. I went into a front walk over with no hands into a split then danced in from there. every move I took I made sure I perfected it. every swift move very turn every leap I had to land soft. I didn't know how I was doing until I landed into my last pose and I thought I did ok. not great because Abby wasn't clapping over her head. I came of the stage eloped in hugs from everyone.
"You did amazing!" Nia said to me.
"No I didn't it was terrible." I replied.
"No you didn't! It was great!" Maddie said.
"You guys don't need to lie to make me feel good."
"We are not lying Kayla!" Kendall said in a kind of annoyed voice. I didn't repo d and I just watched jojo who did amazing. so much better than me. Kalani handed me a water and Maddie hugged me. they weren't really making me feel better. I dint need pity.

jojo came off the stage and we all headed back to the dressing room, Mackenzie still not speaking to me.

We walked into the dressing room, all the moms and Abby waiting for us. I ran over and gave my momma huge hug and started getting ready for the trio.
"We have am hour till the trio is on" Gia told us all. I decided to put my makeup on first and then my costume. after we all finished getting ready we ran the Dance a couple times before a lady came in and asked for us. we walked down the hallway hand in hand and Mackenzie finally stated to talk to me. she was just waiting for the solos to be over.
"And here is number 168, Mackenzie Kayla and jojo with you can't tear us down" we walked out on the stage with one hand on the shoulder of the person in front of us.

As we went into out final pose I saw my mom almost crying. she looked so proud of me. I came off the stage and went running into Kendall's arms. she gave me a hug and then we went back to the dressing room.

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