Chapter 4 : Day 1

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"Okay girls, let's get started on the group dance. Kayla, you will be the only one starting on the stage." Miss Abby takes my shoulders and places me a little towards the front towards the corner. 

"What's your best trick Kayla?" Gia asks me.

"My best trick? Well I can do many turns in a row." I answer.

"Okay. So, in the corner you will do five turns in a row. Then you will bring your hands up to your mouth like you are shouting to someone. But make sure it looks like you are shouting to someone in the opposite wings, okay?" Gia instructs me.

"Okay." I respond.

"Then Kalani and Maddie, you will be on the opposite wings. You will do a split in the air, then fall to the ground and do a turn. Once you are on the ground you will stay on the ground on your stomachs like you are watching Kayla do her tricks." Miss Abby says. "Mackenzie, when Kalani and Maddie start to come go the ground after their air split you will do an aerial from the wings where Kayla is on to the stage. After you complete the aerial you will do three back steps but slow ones and you will be the jealous little sister." Kenzie smiles and snickers at that. I'm glad she has a good part.

2 hours later-

"Good work today girls on the group dance. Today we were just teaching you the choreography. Tomorrow we will run through it a couple times to clarify anything, then the next day we will perfect it. Good job! I need all solos in here now. Come meet me in the corner." As all the other girls filed out of studio A, Kendall and I stayed behind.

"Girls, you have a tough week ahead of you especially Kayla. You girls both have a group dance and a solo. Kayla you also have a duet. The other hard parts are that you are competing against each other. I'm looking for two things here. Kendall, I need to find my number two girl. Is that you? Kayla, I need to see if you can be on this team. Got it?" Me and Kendall nodded our heads.

 "Kendall your up first. Put your tap shoes on." As I watched Kendall, I thought about the week ahead of me. 

None of the girls, or moms know that I'm not a good dancer. Miss Abby is giving me big parts, but making sure that they are easy but in a way that makes me look good. Like the group dance, all I do is turns and roll in the ground and stuff because I'm pretending I have a broken leg. We haven't started my duet or my solo yet. She might just be going easy on me for the group dance. I have to work hard for the rest of the week.

I'm trying to give Kayla easy choreography but in a way that makes her look like she can actually do stuff. For the group dance, I am letting her chose the trick she does and then all she has to do is a couple more turns and things on the ground. For the duet I paired her with Maddie, so Maddie can stand out in the duet. They will do easy thing, but Maddie will make them look spectacular and they will win. The solo is going it be tricky, and I have some ideas, but the moms and girls might figure out what I'm doing.

I'm worried for my solo. Abby keeps talking about how Kayla can do this and Kayla can do that. I might lose to a newbie and that can't happen. I have to beat her. But I guess I can beat her because all of things Abby's says Kayla can do, I haven't seen her do them.

As I do each move in my solo, I think about how I can make it perfect. Pointed toes Kendall, straight knees Kendall, expression Kendall. I wish Chloe was still here. She would help me work through my solo. But then again I wouldn't have a solo, and if I did I wouldn't have to compete against Kayla.

"Good job Kendall. Go get a drink of water while I work with Kayla. I will call you back in after Kayla and I finish, to run through your solo one more time."

"Kayla, come over an talk to me." Miss Abby says to me while I start stretching. I scurry over there so I have enough time to learn my solo. "Kayla you need to work super hard this week. You know you are no where close it being as good as the rest of the girls. I am trying so hard to make you look good but your going to have to learn tricks at home tonight so I can add them into your solo." Miss Abby tells me.

"Okay, like what tricks?" I ask.

"An aerial, a front tuck, you need to be able to pull your leg over your head, and you need to be able to do a back bend." She lists them to me.

"Okay. That might be a little tough. I have a lot of homework tonight and school tomorrow." I tell her nervously.

"Okay. Let me call your mom down." Miss Abby makes hand motions for my mom to come down. Miss Abby really wants me to be successful and I hope I can prove to her that I can be.

"Okay, so as you can tell I am trying to make Kayla look as good as possible." She tells my mom.

"Yes." My mom answers.

"So I told her she is going to have to learn a couple tricks tonight before practice tomorrow but she says she has homework and school. Is it possible you can pull her out of school two hours early tomorrow?"

"Yes it is." My mom answers. 

"Perfect. You can go back upstairs now."

"What is going on down there?" I ask in front of the moms. Obviously Abby is giving Kayla and her mom Ellen the special treatment.

"She's probably just giving her the run down about how the solos go." Melissa says. She is oblivious.

"Melissa! Can't you tell? She is telling her to come in for private lessons so Kayla can get ahead!" I snap back. Melissa just gives me a 'whatever' look. She can really get on my nerves sometimes.

I just finished rehearsing my solo and I love it. It really makes me look like I know how to dance when I really don't. 

"Okay, Maddie and Kayla, we will start the duet tomorrow. We ran out of time today. Good job girls!" Miss Abby yells through the studio. Today really was a good day.

Hey guys! I worked really hard on this chapter and I hope you like it!

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