Chapter 19: trios and solos

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"Great job this weekend girls. now that is what I call a clean sweep" we all clapped and cheered.
"Now for the pyramid. Jojo. I didn't have much to judge you on, just the group dance and you stumbled. Kendall. you came in third. obviously one of the solos was going to come I'm third but I didn't think you and then you were just there in the group dance. not noticable. nia. you did amazing in the group dance. perfection. but you weren't one of my stars. I need you to break that box and start to figure everything out. your 13. When are you going to have that click moment. kenzie. you were in one if my stars but bit the best. the whole time you watched nia! That was the only reason you did well. Kalani. great. Not much to say. kayla. you came first in your solo and lead the star group dance to victory. you just gave to work on that left foot and a little more power on your turns." I was confused why I wasn't on top. "and on top we have maddie. You did perfect in everydance. not one mistake." I beat Maddie though so obviously I was better. how could this happen.

"Wait Abby" my mom says. oh god. she has been quite all season. why start perking up now? "Kayla beat Maddie this weekend. Maddie obviously didn't do everything perfect because she didn't come in first. if she did everything perfect she would have gotten 300 out of 300 and won but she didn't so I don't see why Kayla isn't on top if the pyramid." My mom said. please just shut up.
"Well Ellen in all fairness I though Maddie did do everything perfect. I don't know what those judges were thinking but Kayla did do very good and I will not take that win away from her." Abby replied to my mom.
"But Abby you just admitted Kayla won. she beat maddie. Therefor she should be higher that Maddie" please mom just shut up. you are just making it worse.
"Ellen! Do you see what I am doing for your daughter! I am actually giving her a chance when know one else would and knowing me I would never do something like that. either appreciate that your daughter is even here right now or leave!" After that my mom just stood there and let Abby go on. "so. this week we will be heading to ohio which means we will be running into the rotten apples. we need to win. we will have 3 solos, 1 trio and a group dance. my solos are going to Mackenzie, jojo, and Kayla because I want to figure out my number 1 young girl. I want to see which one of you I can rely on when I need a younger girl. Mackenzie your solo is a contemporary solo called I'm not her. jojo your solo is jazz solo called party all night. Kayla you will be doing a lyrical solo called look in the mirror. But, I also want to unite you girls so all three of you will be doing the trio." me jojo and Kenzie hugged. we were the younger ones here and needed to look out for eachother. "your trio will be a jazz routine called you can't tear us down. the group dance is a lyrical routine called turning tables. moms up girls spread apart."

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