Chapter 21: mama drama

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Me and the other moms headed up to the looking room. I was creating small talk with kira. she was the person I would turn to when I wanted to hang out with someone sense Kayla and Kalani have been hanging out a lot lately. I was also close to Jess even thigh Kayla and jojo weren't that tight.

I sat in my seat livid with abby. I'm not usually the heated or jealous type but Kayla deserved to be on top. now don't get me wrong, I knew Kayla is not a good dancer, but she has come so far mad I feel is close to being right there with Kendall and jojo.
"I can't believe Maddie is higher than Kayla" I mumbled to myself not intending anyone else to hear.
"Excuse me" Melissa said. "Maddie is an amazing dancer and probably should have beat kayla." Melissa snaps back at me. I didn't want to start Any drama but you don't speak about my daughter that way.
"But Maddie didn't. Kayla won and should have been on top of that pyramid. she totally deserved to."
"Ok but once Abby makes her pyramid it over. she has made her decision and Maddie was the gets in her eyes." at that I looked at Kira and jess. they just nodded and now it was there turn.

"But Melissa Kayla was obviously better to the judges! She beta Maddie and you have to except that!" I snap at melissa. I was on Ellen's side with this.
"But Maddie has far better technique and just far better everything! She is a better dancer"
"And Melissa I agree with you. Maddie is a better dancer but she lost for whatever reason she lost to kayla" Ellen snapped back. I could tell she had enough.
"And melissa you can't keep saying oh Maddie should have won. she didn't!" Jess yells to melissa. Jess will do anything to get in Melissa's way.
"When did I ever say Maddie should have won. I never said that"
"But you said Maddie was a better dancer with better technique implying she should have won" I loved holly. always had the words of wisdom that really put someone in their place.
"Yea Melissa you really can't take something away from another child"of course Jill just decides to pop in at the wrong time. holly had just set everything and it was all fine- for 4 second a till Jill came in.
"I am not taking something away from another kid"
"Yes you are Melissa! From Kayla!" I yelled to her. I had had enough. Kayla was like my seiche daughter and I would not take this garbage.
"You know what I am leaving"
"Coward" I said.
"You knowing what kira! Your the coward"
"No Kira isn't the coward you are Melissa for leaving" ellen says to her. she really likes to stand up for me.
"No. no. I knew why Kayla won but I'm not gonna tell you because I want the other girls get chances to win but it just doesn't happen that way and when it finally does it happen it just doesn't fell right!"
"So that why your the coward!" Jess yells.
"K I'm leaving have fun losers" Melissa says then slams the door and walks out.

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