Chapter 17: maddie loses again

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I can't believe Kayla beat maddie. I am so proud of Kayla for beating Maddie and she danced so well but I know why. in this competition they don't like to have pros dance because they want other girls to have a chance in the spot light but they let Maddie go because she is 11. But she gets a consequence- they take 55 points off. and Kayla was supposed to come in second but was only 30 points behind maddie therefor Kayla goes in front.

We all walk into the green room all happy. because we won- again. as we walk into the green room I see Maddie burst into tears and stay back in the hallway while her mom walks out to comfort her. I know I should but I don't feel bad. Maddie wins every week and someone else should get the chance. Maddie walks back in cooled down and Abby calls us over to the middle of the room.

"Great job girls! We got a clean sweep! Just what I wanted. I have some news. Ashley wanted us to call her when our competition ended for the results of yesterday" Abby dialed Ashley and put her on speaker phone. "Ashley? Your on speaker phone"
"Hey guys! So we have a couple things decided. Kalani you will be playing little emily." Everybody clapped and I was super excited. I never get opportunities like these. "and then we had a tough decision between jojo and Kayla but in the end we chose jojo. but Kayla we decided to cast you another part as the little allison. we weren't going to use a dancer for this but you showed us real potential so we decided to use you" jojo and Kayla were grinning ear to ear. Kayla has been one lucky duck.

My mom inky got me into the green room saying that Abby was going to call Ashley and reveal that I got the pat but then I didn't get the part? I chat believe this. My eyes started to well up again tears slowly going down my face. I can't believe this was happening.
"Girls what do you say to Ashley?" Abby says.
"Thank you!" Everybody yells except me.
"No problem girls! Great job! I will contact you privately girls who got parts! See you in three weeks!" Then Abby hung up and I started to burst into tears. nothing like this has ever happened to me! But I guess it is good for the other girls to get things like this.
"Maddie!" Abby snaps at me. "save your tears for the pillow! I am very disappointed" at that we started to pack up and left. as I was leaving the room Abby pulled me over. "maddie. second is the first to lose." then she opened the door and walked out. I was left there crying.

As I stepped out of the building towards the bus a very tan arm tugged me back. I screamed in horror not knowing who it was.
"Kayla why are you screaming it's just me" Kalani said.
"Oh sorry I tough someone was trying to kidnap me. what's up K?" I responed. that was one of e scariest moments of my life even though it was just my bestfriend.
"Abby wanted me to tell you that you were invited back one more week!" I jumped up and hugged kalani. I had never been more exicted. one step closer to being an official team member.

Me and Kalani ran to the bus worried it would pull away without us. we stepped on and when I saw Abby and gave her a huge hug.
"Thank you for giving me a chance" I whispered into her ear then scurried to my seat with Kendall.

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