Chapter 6: Day 3

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"Girls and moms come on in here!" Miss Abby yells throughout the studio. we all stop talking and run into studio A where miss Abby called from. "many of you are probably wondering why I asked you to come an hour early. as you can tell, our team has changed in the last year. 3 new girls, 3 new moms and many swings here and there. so, I feel like you girls and moms don't know eachother enough- including the girls who have been here since they were 3. so today, for the next hour, you will be sharing secrets and talking about yourselves. moms upstairs, girls in the den." everyone looked shocked. girls our age don't like sharing secrets. maybe we can just say we shared them? "And I will have cameras with a microphone set up to make sure you are sharing your secrets. now go to the other rooms while I figure out a few things and start sharing" we walked out of studio A astonished. as we walked into the den we saw Gia setting up cameras. the moms went up stairs and we stayed in the den and sat in a circle.
"ok!" Jojo said in a loud up beat voice. we all laughed. I love jojo. she's so positive and nice.
"I'll start" nia said. she took a deep breath and started to talk. "I have a boyfriend"
"WHAT?!?! WHO?!?" We all yelled.
"Sshhh. my mom might here. but any way. I can't believe I'm telling you this. it's Josh hyland."
"OMG!! Do Paige and Brooke know?" Kendall asked in a very eager voice.
"No but we are going on our third date tonight and we said on our first date that when we hit the third date we would be official and gave to tell our parents Paige and brooke"
"Wait a sec. your going on your third date?" Maddie asked.
"You know what that means" Kalani said in a mischievous voice.
"NIAS GOING TO KISS JOSH. NIAS GOING TO KISS JOSH!" We all yelled. it was hilarious.
"Sshhh. my mom is going to here you guys" nia said laughing. Then we started to talk about boyfriends which lead to three more secrets- mine Maddie and kalanis. we all had boyfriends so those were our secrets. all we had left was Kenzie Kendall and jojo.
"I will go" Kenzie said. "I kissed a boy today. or actually he kissed me. and I liked it so when he pulled away I asked him to kiss me again and then it lead to more stuff"
"Oh my god Kenz are you pregnant?" Maddie asked. it was really loud so we all sshed her so our moms wouldn't hear.
"Maddie no! We just ended up making out for the next 20 minutes and then my friend caught us but she swore not to tell anybody."
"Wow mackenzie. thats a big secret" I said.
"I know. and you guys can't tell anyone." she said with a stern voice. she meant buissness.
"What's a team for?" Jojo said. "ok it's my turn." we all looked at her waiting for her to go on. "I'm scared of abby. she's so mean to mean and I'm scared one day she's going to abuse me. she is really intimidating."
"Jojo there is noting to be scared of. she would never do that to you." Kendall explained. "it's my turn now. I am constantly getting bullied at school. or lets not say bullied. basically a bunch of boys at school are saying I look sexy and hot in my dance costumes and that they wish we were old up enough because they would hook up with me in a second wearing those costumes."
"Kendall that's serious. have you told anyone?" Nia asked with a concerned tone.
"No. because If I do they will say I am daring and want to hook up with me more. also some girls are calling me kendork because they think some of my costumes are babyish and my dances too."
"Kendall forget about those kids. you have us" I say to her. she smiles.
"Ok girls times up! Get in here for rehearsal.

"I love Kendall's solo this week. it's so mature" I say out loud in front if the moms. I'm watching Kendall perform her solo when Abby calls me and Ellen down. we head down stairs and nervous that Abby is going to say something bad about kendall. lets just hope for the best.

"Moms. I want you to watch your girls perform. Kendall you go first" that wasn't bad. as I'm watching Kendall's routine i see all the imperfections. hopefully Abby doesn't notice but she will. great.
"Ok Jill how do you think Kendall did?"
"I think she did amazing"
"Then your blind. she has amazing choregraphy but she is turning it into good choreograohy. her toes aren't pointed her knees aren't bent and her moves aren't sharp. Kayla your turn" Kendall moves out of the way and Kayla starts. she is not a good dancer. Kendall's got this competition in the bag. "Jill how do you think Kayla did."
"Really I thought it was amazing"
"Are you serious? Kendall has great choregraphy and Kayla has ok choregraphy"
"Excuse me. I put all the same effort into each dance I make"
"No you'd don't abby. you gave Kendall hard amazing choreography and gave Kayla easy good choreography a six year old could do.i know your secret abby. you know Kayla is a bad dancer so you are giving her choreography that makes her look good but for the purpose of the dance has to be a bad dancer."
"How dare you. you may leave and take Kendall with you. you can not take the bus with us tomorrow. we will meet you there." I look over in the corner and see Kendall and Kayla crying. I have never made another dancer that wasn't my daughter cry.
"I'm sorry Kayla. come on Kendall we are going."
"No mom what about the group dance" she says to me crying while I take her hand and pull her out of the studio.
"You will practice at home"

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