Chapter 11: Another week

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Of course. Kayla beat Kendall. a girl with no talent what so ever beats a girl who could win any day. Kayla is the new maddie. Abby will do anything for Kayla to win. at least with Kayla around Maddie won't always be the focus.

Me and the girls ran back to the dressing room screaming. we won! We were so excited. the only person who looked sad was kendall. i really hope she realizes she is going to lose eventually.

"Great job girls!" Abby yells as we walk into the dressing room. I hold my trophy in the air with pride and all the moms cheer!
"Come here Kayla!" Miss Abby calls me over and gives me a giant hug. "I knew you could do it" she whispers to me. I smile and run to my mom. she looks like she is going to cry.
"Great job honey"
"Thanks mom"
"Girls come over here! Gather in a circle" Abby tells us all. "well this was a good week. we won first for everything we entered... and then we got a fourth place. anyway congrats to Maddie and Kayla for the duet and congrats to just Kayla first place in your solo" everybody claps for me. "well we have a decision to make. Kayla we have decided that you can come back next week" I smile while everybody cheers and Kalani and nia hug me. "Ok I have to run. I will see all you girls in the studio monday"

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