Chapter 18: another day, another dollar

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As I walked into the den I was worried to face maddie. I could tell this weekend she was mad at me for beating her in the competition and then getting a part and she didnt. Maddie was one of my best friends now and I couldn't stand her being mad at me. I looked up to her.

I opened the door to the dancers den and there was Kenzie and Maddie and before I could even blink Maddie runs up and gives me a huge hug. shocked I hugged her back. we hugged for a solid two minutes. finally she pulled away.
"I'm sorry i gave you the death glare this weekend. I was just a little dissapointed. I'm so sorry and will never do anything like that again."
"It's ok mads. I understand. you can't believe that someone like me beat you"
"No! Not at all! You are an amazing dancer!"
"Thank Maddie" we hugged again and everybody started shuffling in.
"Group hug!" Jojo yelled after she saw us hugging. nia was stretching and got pulled into the hug by Kenzie. me and Maddie were in the middle and almost couldn't breath.
"Oh my gosh Maddie Kayla are you old!" Nia yelled. at the moment everybody layed off and Abby called us in.

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