Chapter 22: abby drama

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We were I'm the middle of running the group dance when The moms walked down into the studio.
"Excuse me Abby sorry to interrupt bus we have a call for you,us moms , Gia, and the girls." Kira said to my mom.
"Who is it from?" Abby asks in a very annoyed voice.
"Cathy" Jill said. Jill put her on speaker and that's when it all went down.
"Well hello Abby. we heard we are going to be seeing you this weekend" Cathy yells through the phone. she had a very abnoxious voice.
"Yes we are cathy"
"Well I will just like to let you know we have Erica batt here for our choreography"
"That doesn't scares us. we recently beat her in LA. we came in first and she came in third. the for solos she came in 5th and we came in 2nd and 1st"
"Well not this time. she has some major tricks up her sleeve" after that Abby counted 1,2,3 on her fingers and we knew what that meant.
"BYE CATHY THE ROTTEN APPLE. SEE YOU THIS WEEKEND LOSER!" Me and the girls yelled to the phone and then Jill hung up and went up stairs with the rest of the moms.

we restarted the group dance and Abby got a tweet but we just kept on going.
"Oh my gosh" Abby yelled. at that we stopped.
"What" Kendall asked.
"Cathy just posted a tweet saying us the ALDC called her and were trash talking her"
"She called us and all we said was loser" Maddie responded.
"You know what. she just can't handle that we are better than her." jojo says. everybody laughs but she's right.
"Ok we are just going to put this aside and I need to run the solos and trio so solos stay her everybody else go to the den. jojo Mackenzie is and Kayla come over here"

we walked over to Abby in the corner worried because she was in a bad mood. "girls. you guys are competing against eachother. I want you guys to be friends but this week you are enemies. you need to fight to get to that spot I can count on when I need an 8-10 year old." me and Mackenzie looked at eachother with a worried look. she was one if my bets friends. I couldn't hate her for a week! "But when it is trio time I need you to work together. and you have even more riding on you because Cathy will be there with a solo and a trio as well."we nodded with a serious look on our faces.

"ok jojo Mackenzie stretch I need to talk to kayak privately." Mackenzie and jojo walk away to stretch while I stay behind with abby. "This is the last week you have to really prove yourself. if we like you at the end of this week then you get to be an official team member. now as of right now we are heading toward no because you don't know some if the simple things like pull your foot over your head and back tucks. this week you have to work super duper hard. and I am not covering you up and giving you easy dances. I am giving you something I would give Mackenzie." I nodded with worry in my eyes. I wanted to stay. "so I am asking you to come in an hour early each day to work in things ok?" I nodded and would tel my mom after class.

I went in the den with Kenzie while jojo ran her solo. she didn't say a word to me. she was taking this seriously. I wanted to cry. I couldn't stand my best friend not talking to me.

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