Tale of two - by - thelastramble

14 3 1

first of all, we are sorry for the delay in your review. hope the review will make it up.

Review was done by: sassy-weirdo

Title- 4/5

The title is both captivating and not captivating at the same time depending on the perspective but I personally feel that 'Tale of Three' might be better or something else since there are three main characters.

Cover- 3/5

The cover isn't exactly attractive as-

a) It's horizontal which is not how covers on Wattpad are supposed to be.

b) It seems extremely dull and blank.

Thus, I would suggest you request a new cover from one of the many graphic shops available on this platform.

Blurb- 5/5

The blurb is supercalifragilisticexpialidocious! It's so captivating and is just the perfect length. Not to mention, it's detailed yet does not give away the whole plot, kudos to you!

Opening Chapter- 8/10

I love the writing style and vocabulary but the tense usage wasn't correct as both present and past tenses were merged but overall, I learned a lot about Reign and Nick's relation and their feelings which is a good start to a story.

Character Development- 9.5/10

The character development was gradual yet not too slow. There were times when I felt sad for Reign and times when I felt angry at Riley and so on. I liked how I got to know something new about Reign and Nikolai and even Riley and the setting of the story i.e the place where the story takes place. Nice job!

Writing Style- 9/10

The writing style is too good to be true, it has the right amount of flowery words and poetic language but is still easy to understand. It makes me want to keep reading and yet I dread what would happen to Reign or Nick or their relationship next.

Grammar and Vocabulary- 7/10

I must admit, you do have a vast vocabulary and there is no better place to vomit all the words out other than one's own story xD Anyways, the vocabulary usage is great and I did learn some new words but what ruins this journey is the grammar. The sentence construction and spellings are alright but the tense used is not error proof. There is a shift between present and past tense as I mentioned earlier which disrupts the flow of reading. All in all, except for the tense errors the draft is flawless.

Plot- 9/10

The plot sure has kept me hooked, I can't wait to know more about the drama that is lurking and am anxious to know how this love triangle ends. The plot seems a bit cliche at first but there are your own mixes which make it better.

Flow- 9.5/10

The flow is like a river without any obstructions if you get what I mean hehe. Even with the time jumps, I am still able to understand the chapter which is a talent that is usually required by authors. My only suggestion is to provide a few cliff hangers at times.

Genre Relevance- 5/5

The genre is totally relevant. I can definitely see that the story is of the genre new adult.

Communication with Readers- 2/5

I understand how difficult it is to answer all the comments but answering some of the comments sometimes helps readers feel connected with the author which is what most readers wish.

Overall Enjoyment- 3/5

Overall, I enjoyed the story and feel that it can reach even greater heights, just keep in mind the points I mentioned. Can't wait for this story to be a fully blossomed flower :)

Total- 74/90

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