Chapter 38: Crackshot

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Falke 2nd Journal/ Entry: 53

It looks like we've been assigned a new team member. I mean we have to go and get this 'Ace' as everyone calls him. Were flying out currently towards a ravine that he was sent to recon, as there is apparently a horde of Grimm there that have managed to grow in size over the last few days. Ace was sent to monitor the horde to make sure that if they turn towards Shade, he can properly let the school know. As for our mission, our job is to meet/find Ace and help him complete his mission and safely bring him back to the Academy.

End of Entry

Nero: "I don't understand why you have journal entries. Isn't that stuff old people do?"

Falke: "Unfortunately, yes. But my dad ingrained it into my mind, guess I just got used to it."

Ky(intercom): "Heads up you three. Were approaching the landing zone. If you have any last words, now would be a good time to say them."

Pyrrha: "I hope you actually tell us the name of your ship."

Ky(intercom): "Haha...funny. Anyone else?"

Falke: "Yeah, how about you stop hitting on my half-sister's mom."

Ky(intercom): "Hey! Look the landing site, okay kiddos off my ship, chop-chop."

Landing his ship Ky lowers the back ramp as the three huntsmen disembark. As Ky leaves the three make their way into an abandoned town that's close to the ravine they are supposed to head to. The town is silent save for the creak of rusty doors as they swing from the occasional gust of wind. 

Pyrrha: "It looks like they were evacuated before the horde arrived."

Falke: Kneeling to pick up a torn piece of clothing. "Or they were too late to evacuate."

Nero: "Stay focused team. There probably won't be any people here but that doesn't mean there can't be Grimm. Pyrrha, head up onto the rooftops and keep a lookout while we make our way through, Falke your with me."

Dante: Summoning himself. "He sure is taking this leadership position seriously."

Pyrrha: "Well he does have the most experience being a huntsman so it would only make sense." As she begins to climb up onto a rooftop.

Falke and Nero begin to walk through the town as Pyrrha keeps watch from the rooftops overhead. 

Falke: "Grimm really did a number on this place."

Nero: "Wasn't Grimm."

Falke: "How can you tell?"

Nero: "Grimm don't care for doors. They would bust through windows, walls even roofs. They're smart enough to know that scared people barricade doors. This was done by slavers."

Falke: "Slavers? Why would they attack a town like this?"

Nero: "Slavery is a common thing in Vacuo, obviously it's illegal, but Vacuo is a mighty big desert and there are only so many huntsmen to cover it all. Most smart slaver gangs follow behind Grimm Hordes, they then raid small villages and take everyone they can before the Horde comes and cleans up. If anyone made it out of here, they're experiencing a worse fate than those that died."

Pyrrha(radio): "Oh my Oum. That's horrible."

Nero: "Vacuo may be this world's last bastion of hope, but that doesn't mean it's a safe one. Come on we got a job to do."

After leaving the town behind they make their way over a set of small dunes, finally arriving at the ravine they begin to look around for any signs of life.

Falke: "What does Ace look like?"

Nero: "Don't know. Never saw him. He rarely ever spent a lot of time at the academy."

Pyrrha: "That's a lot of time from class he's missing."

Nero: "Actually at Shade, classes are voluntary, they believe that experience is the greatest teacher. Academics are more of an 'icing on the cake' kind of thing."

Falke: "Huh. A school where I don't have to go to class. Man, I should've gone here instead." The three chuckle a bit.

Vergil(mental): "Beowolf, behind."

As Falke goes to unsheathe Yamato and cut down the Beowolf, a loud bang could be heard as the Beowolf dissolves into ash instantly. The three look up to see a figure on a cliff overlooking the group. Fire seemed to dissipate from his hand as they rest their hands on a set of pistols at his side. The figure is covered in a brown cape as it flaps in the wind, reaching down towards his feet he picks up a metal can and opens it to drink from it.

Nero: "You, Ace?" The figure stops drinking to look at Nero, their face still obscured by the sunlight at his back.

Ace: "Who's asking?" His right hand gripping one of his pistols.

Nero: "Names Nero, this is Falke, and that's Pyrrha. We were sent by Theodore from Shade to help you complete your recon mission."

Ace: "That right. Hmph...alright then, follow me. And try not to draw too much attention to yourselves." Hopping down from the ledge.

Ace leads them through a small cavern. Now that they can clearly see him, Ace wears a dark brown duster that goes all the way down to his knees. Underneath he has a light green hoodie that has several patches from wear and tear. At his hips is a set of pistols one white the other black, engraved on them are the words "Ebony" on the black pistol, "Ivory" on the white pistol.

Dante(mental): "Hey? Ask him where he got those. Will ya?"

Pyrrha: "Umm, where'd you get those?" Gesturing toward Ebony & Ivory.

Ace: "Found them."

Dante(mental): "Found them, my ass."

The four finally exit onto a ledge that looks over a large chamber, filled to the brim with Grimm.

Ace: *Whispering*"I've been keeping an eye on this horde for a while now. They hate having to stay out in the heat for extended periods of time so they stick in here for most of it. But the strangest thing is that they keep growing daily. Even stranger is that they function as an army, new arrivals bringing fresh kills for the horde to eat. It's like they're gathering for some kind of attack, I wanted to set a trap, maybe collapse the cavern in on them. But whenever I get the chance they always add more. I wanna be able to get the most as possible and ensure they cant reform when I'm done."

Falke: *Whispering* "He's got a good point, Nero. If we leave now then this horde may grow to become a real problem. One that the Academy won't be able to deal with."

Nero: *Whispering* "I agree 100%, but if we collapse the cavern on them, that'll draw too much attention, we'd never be able to get back to the Academy without another horde of Grimmon our tail. I have a plan but it'll be pretty much impossible."

Falke: *Whispering* "You hear that, honey. We get to kill another horde of Grimm." Pyrrha smiles happily.

Ace: *Whispering* "You three plan to take on an entire horde of Grimm with no backup, alone...I'm in."

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