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She slung her bag over her shoulder, making sure she was appropriate before she left. Her eyes scanned over the uniform she had been provided by the school she now attended. A white long-sleeved button-up tucked into a brown pencil skirt, pantyhose underneath and her small black mary-jane heels. A red bow acted as her tie and she wore her blazer over her arm.

She rushed outside to her taxi and climbed inside, putting her seatbelt on and telling the taxi driver her destination. Her life at Hope's Peak was soon to begin.

The driver parked before the gates of the prestigious school, waiting for his money. Once paid, the passenger got out and closed the door, waving to him. Her eyes trailed to the school, gulping. Sure, she went to a private school for her entire life, but this was so much different. She was scouted for this school.

With a shaky breath, she stood up straight and confidently walked to the doors of her new high school. Upon entry, she noticed the halls weren't as full as she thought. They were actually very quiet. She walked past the lockers in the entry and over to one of the students who sat at a table with sheets of paper. She had pink hair and wore the same brown uniform although she added her own quirk by wearing some sort of fluffy scarf.

Once she had reached the front of the line, she addressed her name and was given a timetable and map of the school. The girl was bright and cheerful, a smile on her face. She offered a sweet which was in the glass bowl on her table to which she took one and slipped it into her bag. Moving away from her, Y/n took a look at the timetable to find that she had homeroom in Classroom A-1. She glanced at the map and followed the directions, finding herself in front of a large door. She took a breath, straightened her back and opened the door, walking into the classroom confidently. Thankfully, there were only a few people in the room.

"Good Morning, fellow peer!" Was the first thing you were greeted with. You looked over to see that the greeting had come from a boy with red eyes, black spiky hair and identically coloured eyebrows which were bigger than her future.

"Good morning, sir. I'm Y/n L/n, the Ultimate Assistant." She greeted, shaking his hand. His grip on her hand was firm and confident, which she could instantly tell he was full of.

"Kiyotaka Ishimaru, the Ultimate Moral Compass! Pleased to make your acquaintance, L/n!" He projected, letting go of her hand and bowing 90 degrees. She bowed her head before walking to find a seat. She picked a window seat, specifically the seat behind the front window seat. She hung her bag on the hook and draped her blazer over her chair seat before she took a good look around the room. Only two other people besides herself and Ishimaru inhabited the classroom.

One was a girl. She had lengthy lilac hair, a braid on the left side while the rest was left down. She wore the same uniform as everyone else but with a proper tie and boots. She wore a pair of black gloves which, upon further inspection, fit her hands perfectly. She must have had them custom made or something. She seemed to be writing something in a leatherbound pocketbook, so she made the conscious decision to direct her attention the other person in the room.

The fourth and only other student in the classroom was a boy. A tall one at that. Standing at least 6'1, the famed Byakuya Togami was sat behind Y/n L/n. She knew him and his family, they were one of the most well-off families in Tokyo. Of course, that wasn't the only reason she knew him. He was sat with one leg over the other, a book in his hands. His glasses were on the bridge of his nose, his eyes looking through them to scan the ink on the pages.

His eyes looked up at the girl who made the conscious decision to sit in front of him despite the 13 spare seats in the classroom. He rolled his eyes through his glasses and with a "tch", his eyes were back on his oh so interesting book.

The h/c girl took slight offence to his actions but chose to stay quiet, not wanting to fold for some rude progeny.

More students started pouring into the classroom. Soon, every desk had been taken up by a student of class 78, and the teacher had entered the classroom. His hair was spilt down the middle, one side white and one side black. On the side that his black hair resided, so did a red monocle. His suit was similar, one half being black and the other white, the colours on the same sides as his hair. He seemed pretty short, probably 5'0. A few students snickered once they realised he was standing on a stepstool behind his desk which caused Ishimaru to scold them for their attitude.

Once homeroom had ended, Class 78 was free to do whatever they wanted as long as it related to their Ultimate.



The two stood face outside of the classroom.

She knew him all too well.

By coincidence, they attended the same Elementary School. He was the reason she had become an assistant in the first place. At first, it started as Togami wanting an escort to the dining hall and Y/n assisting, but it slowly evolved into the two being stuck at the hip, Y/n helping him with some of his tasks like his work or carrying things.

Things ended on bad terms and the two never saw each other again. Well, they had now.

"I need you to come with me. We have some matters to discuss."

"Discuss? There's nothing I wish to discuss with you, Mr Togami. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some work to get to. If I don't get that work done, I won't be able to get to my job after school." That was the only thing she said to him. She strutted past him, not sparing him a glance. All she heard from him was a scoff before his footsteps echoed through the halls just like her heels did.

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