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"Pennyworth, I have a question."

"I'm listening."

"Can I buy anything on the card I was issued as long as it's for Togami?"

"What are you plotting, Miss L/n?"

"I want to get him a present."

It was May 1st. 4 days before Byakuya Togami turned 16. She had been working for him professionally for nearly a year now and she felt that it was only fitting she got him a gift after their newfound tolerance for the other's presence.

"For his birthday?"

"Yes, is that allowed?"

"Yes, of course, but do you even know what you want to get him?"

"That was going to be my second question. Is there anything he's been wanting?"

"Well, I don't have too many personal conversations with him, but it seems he's been quite infatuated with a certain author's novels. I can give you a list of the novels he doesn't have. There's also a specific coffee brand he likes that he'd appreciate getting a box of."

"Please! I need these notes so I can get him something!"

"As you wish. Though, I must tell you that he doesn't like celebrating his birthday. He has no care for it."


"Don't let that get you down, Miss L/n. He'll appreciate the thought of you getting him a present no matter what. Even if he doesn't show it traditionally."

"Okay. Thank you again Pennyworth!"

May 2nd, the morning of the three-day mark before his birthday. A note was left on her nightstand stating the name of the coffee brand and the books he is yet to acquire. She got into her school uniform, today wearing the usual school skirt. She had been wearing the usual school skirt after she got dress coded multiple times by Ishimaru. Plus, she was a bit tired of the pencil skirts.

She wore a short-sleeved skirt and her blazer over her arm since it was getting warmer. Although, she kept her tights on. Picking up her bag and sliding her laptop and the notes in with her other school supplies, she made her way to the limo. She avoided eye contact with Byakuya and instead started making a checklist in her notepad.

Byakuya's Birthday

- Books
- Coffee
- Make him a cake
- Write a card
- Breakfast in bed
- Take him to a fancy restaurant

She was sometimes thankful that Byakuya had so much pride. She could sense how curious he was to know what she was writing but his pride forced his mouth shut. It was funny to her, he couldn't admit to himself that he was just a tad bit curious.

Once the driver announced they had arrived she put the notepad away and got out, keeping the door open for Byakuya to leave too. He nodded and the two walked into school together.

While Byakuya stayed busy with his work in the Library, Y/n stayed busy on amazon. She ordered the books that were stated in the note and went onto a different website to order the coffee. They'd, fortunately, be there the next day so she wasn't worried.

Assist Me - Byakuya TogamiWhere stories live. Discover now