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He woke up in the library. What was this? Was he in Hope's Peak again?

He stood up from the table and left the room. He was on the second floor of Hope's Peak. But why?



He ran up the stairs to where he heard the noise from. He found himself face to face with the data room. The same room Junko played the game from. Her screams were coming from there. He heard the sounds of things colliding with her and her begging and pleading for mercy. He tried to open the door but it was locked. He checked his pockets for the key. Nothing.

He rammed his shoulder into the door. He tried to kick the door open. Nothing. Her screams were becoming less frequent. He continued at the door until the silence was apparent. A click was heard from the other side of the door and he turned the handle to see it was unlocked. He pushed his way in and there he saw her.

Blood leaked from every gash in her body. Her head hung low with blood dripping from multiple wounds on her head. He knelt before her in shock. He reached for her hand but all he felt was the cold touch of death. Y/n L/n was no more.

"NO!" He sat straight up in his bed. Sweat dripped from his forehead and made his hair stick to his skin. He looked around at the room to see that it wasn't the one from Hope's Peak. He wasn't there anymore.

The survivors of the killing game were taken in a helicopter to the Future Foundation Headquarters. They were given a place to sleep and were fed while they recovered from the trauma they faced. This was the third night that he had had a dream with her in it. The past 2 were dreams of the past. They were all recovering their memories as time went on with the help of the Future Foundation who had offered them all jobs.

All of them accepted, Byakuya joined the 14th decision which was spreading the news of what Future Foundation to the public. He gave up his title and was now the Former Ultimate Affluent Progeny.

Toko was the only one who wasn't officially in the Future Foundation, only being an intern. Y/n was also part of the 14th division alongside most of the survivors.

A quiet knock was heard at his door. He stood up and rubbed his eyes, putting his glasses on before opening the door to see Y/n.

"Can I...?" He ushered her inside, the girl sitting on his bed.

They sat in silence for a little bit until the girl spoke up, "I was in love with you."

That was the last thing he expected her to come into his room for. "I'm sorry, what?"

"My last memory before you were... trapped in the school. We were bolting up the windows. I had been ignoring you or at least trying to for a week at that point. I went into one of the classrooms and found you just ending a call. I don't know who with. I told you we were going down to the dorms and you were about to leave when I grabbed your wrist and told you I had a bad feeling about that day. You hugged me and kissed my head. You put your blazer over my shoulders and walked me down to the dorms. The last I saw of you was you waving me into my dorm room."

As she spoke, he remembered the day a lot clearer. The phone call with Pennyworth. How hard his heartbeat was when he saw her. Everything Pennyworth had said to him about the feelings he had tried so hard to deny.

"...and you were in love with me?"

"Y-Yeah. I've gotten rid of the feelings though. After everything we've gone through, the last thing that we need is to be worrying about a relationship. It just... it felt better to get off of my chest."

"I see. That is for the best then. My feelings for you are strictly platonic and business-related. The Tragedy is no place for love."

"I agree."

The girl's eyes felt heavy as she yawned. Her head fell onto his shoulder, the memory of the dinner flashing back to him again. He smiled sadly and kissed her head gently before tucking her into his bed. He pulled her into him and cuddled her, the girl doing the same. Her head rested on his chest as they both fell asleep in each other's arms.

Aoi, who was next door to him, heard every word of their conversation. Sure, it was a little muffled, but she could hear just fine. And she didn't hear anyone leave the room. She presumed that they fell asleep together and smirked, lying down in her bed.

Strictly platonic and business-related? A likely story.

The 7 woke up the next day. Byakuya and Y/n woke up at very similar times, both a little shocked at the fact they cuddled. She got off of him and made her way to her bedroom to get ready. Once got into clothes similar to the type she wore when she was Byakuya's assistant, she made her way to the cafeteria where Aoi sat, smirking at her.

"Good morning, Aoi?" She said, confused at why she was looking at her like that. She got some water and toast along with a coffee for Byakuya who had just walked into the room. She put the coffee down for him and sat between him and Aoi before snacking on the mediocre breakfast she got herself.

"So, I heard some stuff last night." Aoi began, resting her cheek in the palm of her hand, "And didn't hear anyone leave a certain room."

The h/c choked on her toast while Byakuya coughed, clearly having swallowed the coffee wrong.

"Haha, I have no idea what you're talking about, Aoi!" Y/n said, drinking some water to relieve her throat. She put her drink down before she got pulled to the side.

"Are you two a thing? I could always sense the tension but I didn't know you guys were serious!"

"Aoi, shhhhhh! We are not a thing!"

"So, what I heard about you not being in love with him is true?"


"YOU DO?!"

"SHHHHHHH!" She looked around at the looks they were getting from the other members. She laughed awkwardly and waved at them before she dragged Aoi out of the room.

"Okay, yes, I do love him! I started liking him after he asked me to be his assistant on the first day of Hope's Peak and since then I thought he loved me too but none of us talked about it until yesterday. I was scared that it would be awkward between us if I said I still do so there!"

The brunette looked at her in shock but a second later she was grinning wildly and jumped up and down, "THAT IS SO CUTE!"



"Whatever you do, please keep this from Toko and Syo! I don't want-" A scissor hit the space between Aoi and Y/n which ultimately made both of them jump back. Syo held two scissors to the girl's neck while Aoi ran to get Byakuya.

He and Makoto came running in after him. "Syo quit it. This is why you're an intern-"

"SHUT IT, SUGAR LIPS! Test girl has a meeting with my scissors that she wouldn't want to miss!" The girl gulped but refused to show her fear. The blonde sighed before getting some pepper on his hand before blowing it in her face. She recoiled and sneezed, reverting her to Toko. "H-Huh? What am I...?"

The h/c got up and brushed herself off. "Come on, Toko. Let's get you some breakfast."

The girl reluctantly nodded, rushing into the cafeteria. "Are you alright, Y/n?" Makoto asked.

"Yep, good as gold. Come on, Aoi!" The two girls retreated into the cafeteria after the author. The boys looked in confusion but brushed it off, going back in to finish their breakfast.

Assist Me - Byakuya TogamiWhere stories live. Discover now