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Ever since Aoi got the truth out of Y/n she had been hyper-focused on seeing what Y/n and Byakuya's interactions were like. She would take notes and theorise.

She wouldn't call it stalking, it was more like... research.

Kyoko had caught her in one of these "research" moments, asking her what she was doing. She ended up spilling the beans and since then the two had been theorising with each other, Kyoko doing more of the theorising than Aoi.

One of the examples of Aoi's "research" was when Byakuya fell asleep at his desk. It had been a long day for them all trying to locate the captives of the 78th Class but Byakuya refused to back down from his work until he was finished. Y/n ended up staying behind with him to "make sure he got to bed".

Without their knowledge, Aoi stayed behind also. She hid in Kyoko's office, with permission from the lilac-haired girl, and watched carefully. Y/n was standing watching him work when he said something and she left the room. While she was gone, Byakuya ended up nodding off and fell asleep on his keyboard. The h/c came back with a cup with what Aoi could only assume was coffee inside.

The girl set the cup down and took off the sweater vest she was wearing before folding it and moving the keyboard from under his head to replace it with her vest. She took his glasses off him and set them on the table before writing something on a post-it note and sticking it to the monitor. Lastly, she took the coffee and gave him one last look before leaving the room.

Once Aoi knew the coast was clear she crept out of the office and checked the post-it note.

'You fell asleep here so I'll bring you coffee in the morning :) - Y/n <3'

She took a picture and sent it to the detective before she left to go to her room, her body threatening to fall asleep right there in the hall.

Another very compelling observation she made was the fact that she didn't own any blazers but always wore one that was a little big on her and was a man's blazer. Plus it had Byakuya's high school pin on it. 

They seemed to leave each other little messages every day. It started with Y/n writing things on the napkins he'd use and Byakuya leaving her memos but that soon led to less obvious paper aeroplanes. Kyoko told them off for it a few times which made Byakuya scoff while Y/n apologised on behalf of both of them.

It made its way to Y/n's birthday and Byakuya, with no cooking experience, tried to bake Y/n a cake. He played it off as him buying it from somewhere but hardly anyone believed it with the messy decorating.

Even Makoto and Yasuhiro caught onto something going on between the two. Makoto told them that he caught Byakuya looking through the library in the romance section and Yasuhiro commented on the vibes he got from them both when they were together.

Their stalking and theories on their relationship were put to a halt, however, when Byakuya took it upon himself to go to the location of Komaru Naegi to save her. She was apprehensive about this but asked him to let her go with him. After a lot of begging, he agreed and they went with some other Future Foundation members to the apartment building in Towa City.

This, however, was their undoing. They had found Komaru but got ambushed by the Monokumas. Byakuya started taking care of them while Y/n checked on Komaru, making sure she was okay. The two swapped places, Y/n shooting at the monokumas while Byakuya gave Komaru his hacking gun and told her to try and escape. The girl did as he asked while the two members were captured and held hostage.

The h/c found herself in a cell, everything about her the same as before. She sat up in the bed she had been put in and heard a high pitched squeal from the other side of the bars.

"EEEEEEEEEEEE, Miss L/n!" She ran to the bars recognising that voice.

"K-Kotoko?! You're okay! Are you hurt?"

"I'm great! It's so good to see you!"

"It's good to see you too. Is Togami here?"

"Yep! He's in the cell next to you!"

"Good, at least he's kind of safe... W-wait, can you get me out of her?"


There was a silence between them.

"A-Are you going to get me out?"

"Sorry, Miss L/n! I'm not allowed! You're our hostage and so is Mr Togami!"

"Hostage!? Why?"

"Don't worry! I'll get you the best food and we can play games and have so much fun together-"

"Oi. Child. Let us out of here this instant!" She heard Byakuya's voice in the cell beside her yell at her.

"Don't shout at her! She may have kidnapped us but at least she's giving us the benefit of the doubt!"

"Yeah! Listen to Miss L/n you horrible monster!"

"Monster?! You're lucky I would never stoop as low as to hit a child."


Kotoko puffed her cheeks out and crossed her arms before looking at Y/n, "I'll see if I can get your cell moved! I doubt you wanna be near a meanie like him!"

"Ah, I don't mind! I'd prefer to have the company."

"Fineeeeeeee. I'll be back later with breakfast!"

"B-bye, Kotoko!"

The girl waved as she ran off, her childlike wonder being as bright as ever.

"This is unbelievable. Held captive by children."

"Hey, I'm getting us some quality food! Be lucky that I'm getting you that."

"Shut it."

"...Whatever." The girl walked over to her bed again, lying down. The boy on the other side silently cursed himself as he sat on his bed again, sighing. 10 minutes had passed when a guy around their age spoke up.

"Hello, Miss L/n, the ultimate assistant." She sat up and looked behind the bars to see a boy with white hair that stuck up in all sorts of directions. His clothes were disoriented and tattered with a collar and chain hanging from his throat.

"Wh-Who are you?"

"Ah, that's not important. I'm just a lowly servant." He had a smile on his face. It was soft and kind but underneath it felt unsettling.


"Stay away from her then you lowly swine!"

"Ah, Mr Togami, the ultimate affluent progeny."

"Former." He said through gritted teeth.

"My apologies. Kotoko asked me to bring you these pancakes." He slid the pancakes on the plate through the food window which she stood up and took. It was a plate of 6 pancakes that had multiple toppings. Whipped cream, chocolate sauce, sprinkles, fruit, lemon juice, sugar, candy, etc. It was unbelievable how many cavities she could get from this dish alone.

"Could you tell her I said thank you?"

"Of course." He went to leave when she realised.

"Wait!" He stopped and walked back. "Can you stay? Togami has no breakfast! I'll eat first and then give you my plate so you can give it to Togami!"

Byakuya was quiet on the other side. She could tell he wanted to protest but she also knew he wouldn't let the passing of food slip by, especially as a hated prisoner. The servant nodded and stood by the cell staring at the wall. The girl ate the pancakes, cringing at the number of toppings it had. She had moved some onto the plate so she could at least eat some of it without throwing up.

She got down to three and handed the plate to the servant who went to the cell next door. Togami took it and ate it, doing the same as her and moving the toppings to the sides so he could at least enjoy the food a little bit. He finished the food and handed the dirty plate to the servant before going back to his bed.

She waved off the boy before lying in her bed, sighing. She felt like crying but at the same time she felt relieved. Kotoko was okay which meant that the others might be okay. Masaru, Nagisa, Jataro, Monaca. They were okay. They'd just have to wait around until help came.

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