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"Hey, Y/n, I got you some breakfast!" Aoi said in a cheerful tone, trying to lift their spirits. The h/c looked at the brunette with a smile and began to eat the food she had been given.

"Thank you, Aoi. Sakura was lucky to be friends with you." The girl seems to have a much happier smile on. She presumed that she was keeping Sakura's spirit with her.

"That reminds me, Y/n how do you know all of us?" Hiro asks, all of their attention on her. Before she could answer the question she didn't want to answer, their attention was moved to the door where Makoto and Kyoko stood.

"Makoto?! You're alive!" Aoi rejoiced, running towards him. Toko and Hiro also rushed to him while Y/n got up and walked over to the celebration.

"You were really brave, Naegi." She said with a kind smile. Hiro and Toko recoiled, telling him that he smelt pretty bad. Turns out he was rolling around in the trash while he was gone.

"We'll be doing a final class trial." Kyoko explained, "We'll be tasked with uncovering the mysteries of the school and unmasking Mukuro Ikusaba's murderer."

Makoto went off to take a shower while the rest conversed about what they were going to do. All of them agreed to go alone for their investigations. Once Makoto returned an announcement went off telling them that all the doors in the school were now unlocked. With that, they went off to investigate.

She followed suit with Kyoko and visited the 2nd-floor dorms. She entered the first room she saw and was shocked to see their lockers. Monokuma popped out of nowhere and handed her an e-handbook.

She turned it on to see that it was an all-access one. She smiled and used it on one of the lockers to reveal nothing but a news article. She knew the news article too well. She grabbed it and closed the locker, not wanting to face another one of them.

She ran down the stairs and up to the 4th floor. He wanted to get into the Principle's office pretty badly last time they investigated so that's where her legs took her. There she saw Byakuya looking at a picture.


"What are you keeping from me?"

She looked at him in slight shock as he turned to her, shoving the picture into his pocket.

"I don't-"

He grabbed her by the collar and brought her closer to him, "You know more than we do! Are you the mastermind?! I barely even know you! You're the only one who remembers things, it's the only explanation!"

The girl shook in fear. She pushed him with all her strength off him and he fell backwards. She threw the newspaper and scurried off, not wanting to get attacked by someone she cared so deeply for.

The blonde breathed heavily as he watched her run away. He ran a hand through his hair before looking at the newspaper on the ground. He grabbed it and read the cover line.

'The Youngest Hier is making moves?!'

The picture showed him putting his jacket over Y/n's shoulders. He held his head in pain.

The two left the establishment and stood out in the cold air. His blazer was draped over the shivering girl's shoulders and she smiled as he opened the door to the limo so she could get in first.

The ride home was quiet. She ended up falling asleep on his shoulder which he figured was because she'd spent so much time running around and planning everything. A smile graced his lips though he chose to never speak of it to anyone, not even Pennyworth.

What? He took a look at the picture again. It was his class at the pool. Y/n was in the picture sat on the edge of the pool. She was talking to Mukuro who was in the pool, a smile on her face. 

Ding Dong Bing Bong!

He sighed and made his way to the red door, entering to see everyone on edge. They all went into the elevator and ended up behind their podiums. Y/n refused to look at any of them as the class trial commenced.

"So, let's start with a quick question," Hiro started, looking rather calm. That was before he snapped, "Why are you all against me?!"

They started arguing over the photos they had been given. Kyoko sighed and explained that it was a ruse to get them turning against each other.

"The pictures are real," Y/n stated. "The picture I got, it's everyone stood together. Togami is holding a box of donuts. I was ill that day. Everyone had made donuts as a little get well soon gift."

"That's right! All the pictures are as real as real can be!"

"Well then, I g-guess that puts the suspicion on Y/n th-then?" Hiro suggested which caused Aoi to get defensive.

"There's no way! She'd been tortured by the mastermind, how do you explain her injuries?!"

"We only ever saw her with bandages!" Hiro refuted which caused Byakuya to butt in.

"Her injuries are very real."

"And how do you know that?" Hiro asked.

"She stayed in my room last night." Toko shrieked and started freaking out before Byakuya shut her up. "She took a shower in my room and I re-bandaged her injuries. I saw the claw marks on her stomach and arms and legs."

"So th-that's why you came out of M-Master's room?!"

"Yes. I was going to ask Aoi for medical assistance but Togami insisted."

"Well, how can Y/n know more than we do?!"

"Amnesia..." Makoto mumbled.

"Amnesia? H-How would we all g-g-get amnesia?"

"Well, maybe that's it. Maybe our memories were stolen?"

Byakuya remembered something Y/n had said the previous night and spoke up. "Y/n may know the answer to your questions."

Y/n looked up at him before looking around at the others.

"It's true. You all had your memories of our two years together stolen. I don't know how long we were out cold but I woke up with all my memories. I was a test subject for despair. I knew all of you and all of our time together. With all that knowledge and watching everyone kill each other brought me more and more despair because there was nothing I could do about it..."

"Two years? That can't be true! Maybe the mastermind put some crazy shit in your head!"

"Forget about that! Let's figure out who killed Mukuro Ikusaba-!"


"Junko? She's long dead, L/n, even you should know that?"

"The one who killed Mukuro Ikusaba is Junko Enoshima!"

Byakuya stared at her in disbelief. All of them watch Junko die when she got impaled by spikes, even her.

"I-I think she's right, guys." Makoto sided with her, making all of them go on rants saying that they're crazy. "Listen! In all of the pictures we have, Junko's face is never seen! Not once! And, Kyoko and I were watching a video of all of us talking to the Principle about staying in the school for the rest of our lives. We all agreed, but before it got to Junko it ended!"

"Additionally, Mukuro's student info stated that she had no scars before arriving here at Hope's Peak, but the body tells us that she had multiple stab wounds that were several days old. A.K.A, the spears that impaled Junko." Kyoko stated.

"With our memories gone, we would have had no idea that Mukuro and Junko swapped places." Byakuya pieced it together.

Monokuma was silent for a minute before laughing. A blanket of mist covered Monokuma before it was promptly replaced with Junko Enoshima, the mastermind behind their friend's deaths.

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