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He was bored.

Sure, he had his work to do, but he was lonely. Pennyworth checked up on him every now and again but that was just to tell him the status of Y/n.

Yes, his trusted assistant had called in sick. She had come down with a fever and was sneezing to no end. Pennyworth had been making sure she was okay by bringing her a towel that was soaked in cold water to relieve her fever and brought her water whenever she needed it.

This meant that Pennyworth was his "assistant" for today. He didn't mind that, of course, but he found the presence of Y/n to be more... whatever.

He sighed and packed his laptop away before he stood up and put his shoes on. Today was the first time he was going to school without Y/n also being there. It was more of a letdown for him because that meant that he'd have to deal with a thorn in his side named Toko.

Her presence irritated him to no end but alas, he would deal with her as his assistant at school until Y/n was better. He could at least put her obsession with him to good use.

He arrived at school with plenty of time to spare. He sat in the library as it wasn't mandatory to go to lessons so he could work on his spreadsheets and such.

An hour seemed to go by and he was done with his work for that day. He just wanted the school day to be over with so he could check on Y/n-

What was he thinking? Check on her? He must be coming down with something, thoughts like that are not good for work productivity. Sakura and Aoi walked up to him as he closed his laptop.

"Hey Togami!" Aoi greeted with a wave. He simply glanced at her and rolled his eyes.

"What is it, plebian?" The question came out as him demanding they state their business.

"We were wondering where Y/n is. She wasn't in class and she didn't come in with you." Sakura stated, crossing her arms.

"Can't you contact her yourself?"

"She wasn't answering her phone."

"She has a fever."

"Oh, really? Is she okay?" Aoi asks. She couldn't even wait for an answer before jumping up and down to Sakura, "Let's make her something! We could make her doughnuts! And the entire class can help make them!"

"That sounds like a wonderful idea. We can start rounding up everyone now."

"Okay!" Aoi looked around the room and spotted Toko's trembling figure behind a bookshelf who was seemingly eavesdropping on the conversation. "Toko! Wanna help make us something for Y/n?"

The girl shrieked and grabbed her braids, "A-As if! Sh-sh-she's the reason M-M-Master Byakuya doesn't have me g-g-g-get his t-tea anymore!"

Byakuya pushed his glasses up his nose and sighed, "Stop talking. Get me a cup of coffee."

The girl's frame shook as she nodded and rushed out of the room, Aoi and Sakura standing awkwardly.

"That was odd!" Aoi giggled, Sakura shook her head with a smile, "Would you like to help, Togami?"

"I have no desire to get my hands dirty. I'll deliver the present to her."

"Good idea, you do live with her after all," Sakura said, nodding. The two waved bye to Togami before leaving the library. 

The blonde stood up and looked through all of the books on the shelves. He picked up a novel from the mystery section and read the front cover before he opened the book. He always found a love for reading, although he never admitted that. Most people assumed he read quite a bit, which was true, but they underestimated how much he enjoyed it. He could get completely lost in a book and not realise a bomb had gone off while reading chapter 14.

He heard a beep come from inside his bag before he could start reading. He sighed and put the book down on the table before checking what had caused his phone to go off. His heart felt light as he saw it was from her.

Y/n L/n

I should be okay to work tomorrow after I get some rest so don't miss me too much ;D

Don't flatter yourself. I've been as productive as ever.

Although, I do hope that Fukawa does not screw up my order.

Replaced already 😔

Your use of emoticons makes me sick.

He found himself smiling at the petty banter he was having. He was glad to hear that she would be working soon but put his phone away once he realised Toko would be back any second now. That being said, she flew through the doors with a silver tray in her hands. He was surprised she hadn't spilt any thing with the speed she had entered the room but shook the thought away once she put the tray down on the table. He shooed her off and took a sip of the hot drink, taking in that wasn't made to as much perfection as Y/n did.

The day was slow but the library was soon filled with the rest of his class. Aoi was holding a box with a letter taped on top of it. She walked over and handed it to him, smiling.

"It's from all of us!" She exclaimed brightly making him squint.

"Don't drop it." Sakura says with a deadpan stare.

The boy nodded and everyone left, including him. He wasn't happy that he was carrying this but Y/n wasn't here and he didn't want Toko sabotaging anything.

He set the box next to him in the limo and kept a protective arm around it, not wanting it to be destroyed. The car parked and a servant took the donuts and began walking by his side with the box in hand. When they got to Y/n's door he knocked and once given entry he opened the door and took the box, walking into her room. She was sat up in bed, her complexion pale.

"Togami..! You came...!"

"Yes, yes, well. The class put together this gift for you." He set the box on her lap. She opened the box to reveal a dozen donuts beautifully decorated. It seemed each one had it's own flare from someone in their class. She smiled with tears in her eyes. She felt so loved by her class it made her feel warm and fuzzy.

"Would you like one?" She asked, picking one up that had purple icing on with black stripes on it. It reminded her of Kyoko.

"I don't eat commoner foo-" His words were cut short when the donut was put in his mouth and he was forced to take a bite. With reluctance he did just that, the sweetness hitting his tongue immediately. He wasn't the biggest fan of sweet food but this was amazing. The sick girl took a bite after him and gushed at how good it tasted.

"I bet this was Aoi's idea, huh?" She chuckled. He nodded and stood up, straightening his suit.

"This has been fun but I best be going. I'll have Pennyworth bring you dinner at 6."

"Okay, thanks Togami!"

Assist Me - Byakuya TogamiWhere stories live. Discover now