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A soft knock was heard at his door.

He couldn't sleep.

He knew that Makoto wasn't the culprit.

Did he even live?

He stood up from his desk that he had been sitting at the past two hours. Once he opened the door, he saw Y/n nearly on the floor. His eyes widened as he helped her up and walked her inside his room, sitting her on the bed. He shut and locked his door before he pulled the chair from his desk out and sat in front of her.

"L/n, what are you doing here? You're meant to be staying in the Nurse's office."

"I couldn't sleep. I was scared the mastermind was gonna come and kill me without me being able to fight back!"

"Calm down. You can spend the night in her if you wish. I can't sleep anyway."

"Is it because of Makoto?"

He simply nodded.

"The two of you were good friends."

He rose an eyebrow, "It seems you know things that we don't."

"It was all part of their plan. It was to inflict more despair unto me. Like a test subject. I had spent my school life with you for so long that I'd grown unbreakable bonds with you all. Watching you all die was part of the plan. If you were all put in a game like this and knew each other and what was going on outside you'd all live in harmony as the Principle wanted. That's not what the mastermind wanted."

"I don't understand. Do you know who the mastermind is?"

"I... I'm sorry. I only remember their voice. It was so casual and upbeat, a complete contrast to the despair they yearned for. I think they messed with my head while I was out cold."

"I see. Do you remember your talent?"

"I was the ultimate assistant. You hired me and we worked side by side."

"I hired you in elementary school. Are your memories all skewered?"


They sat in silence for some time. That was until Byakuya spoke up.

"How did you get my jacket?"


"My blazer. You had it since the start, I'm guessing? When did you get it?"

"It... I'm tired."

The blonde nodded, not pushing for an answer. He didn't want her freaking out like at the body discovery. He was making slow progress. An hour or so had passed and the girl was asleep in his bed. His eyes felt heavy so, taking his glasses and blazer off beforehand, he got into the bed with her. He felt her shivering in her sleep and made the conscious decision to get closer to her. Wrapping his arms around her frame, he pulled her head into his chest and let her drift into a deep sleep, doing the same himself.

He bowed before her, causing her to curtsy in front of him. He held her hand gently and brought it up to his lips, kissing her knuckles. Her face flamed red. Her heart raced under her skin. Her mouth curled upwards. What was he doing? In front of everyone?

He gave her a smug smirk which cracked her. Was this all a facade? A ploy? She took her hand out of his grasp and grabbed Leon's, walking away with him. The blonde rolled his eyes and walked over to Makoto who was in shock.

"What was that?!" He screamed, mouth agape. The blonde crossed his arms and scoffed.

"I was testing her, plebian. We have something coming up and she has to be present for it." Kyoko glared at him which made him roll his eyes.

"You're a monster."

"I've been called worse."

He woke up, sitting straight up as he panted. What was that? A look into the future? It couldn't be from the past, he hadn't met these people until a few weeks ago. He sighed and looked down at the girl beside him. She was still sleeping soundly which caused him to let out a sigh of relief.

He stood up and went to the wardrobe when he noticed something on the table. Clothes. He picked them up and inspected them until he realised they were for Y/n. A white button-up, a black ribbon which was used as a bow instead of a tie and a grey and black skirt. Along with some thigh highs and heels, it was just what she always wore. It seemed to be missing the blazer she had kept with her and the pin on her collar, both of them identical to the ones he owned.

He left them on the table so she could change into them once she woke up. After a refreshing shower, he left the room to see Y/n holding the new uniform. He rose an eyebrow before realising that she needed to leave. "I-I'm going to ask Aoi if I can shower in her bathroom and get her to redo my bandages."

"That won't be necessary." 


"Asahina has no medical training. Go take your shower and dry off. I'll help with your injuries."


"I'm not going to look... there... you'll just have to guide where I'm going."

She looked at him for a moment before nodding. Even if he didn't remember all of their time together, it was okay.

She got into the shower and gently washed herself. It had been weeks since she had been able to get a proper shower so she took her time. After a while of showering, she got out. She dried herself off with a towel and got into her clothes before walking into the bedroom.

Byakuya sat on the bed with some bandages and tape and patted the seat beside him. Luckily the slashes she got from Monokuma were on her stomach so she unbuttoned the bottom buttons and lifted her shirt to reveal the slashes. They had scabbed now but were still at risk of bleeding again. Byakuya got to work making sure that the bandages were tight but not so tight that she couldn't move. After that, she buttoned her shirt back up and tucked it in before putting the pin on her collar and the blazer over her shoulders.

It itched at him why she wore that blazer but he didn't ask her about it. After last night he had decided that he wouldn't push for answers. The two left the room, Byakuya locking the door behind them.

"Wh-What are you doing with Master?!" Toko shrieked, pointing at the girl. "D-Did you-?!"

"No, no! Tok- Fukawa, we didn't do anything! I'm not going to take your master away from you!"

The girl looked at her before retreating her hand, "Y-You better not! O-Or there will be h-hell to pay!"

The h/c nodded before jogging away to the cafeteria. Byakuya rolled his eyes but followed suit, ignoring the obsessive girl that was stalking him.

Assist Me - Byakuya TogamiWhere stories live. Discover now