
726 17 1

"Hand over your key, Kirigiri."

They were arguing. The 5 other students had made their way around the 5th floor. Byakuya had found a classroom covered in blood whilst the others had found a botanic garden. But now, Byakuya was getting frustrated with Kyoko. She refused to tell them anything about her for one reason: she knew as much as they did.

"Fine." With that, her room key was in his possession. This, frankly, wasn't what he wanted. He watched to know her she really was, but their quarrel was cut short by a sudden outburst.

"GUYS!" Aoi rushed into the cafeteria.

The 5 looked over at the swimmer. She was panicked which caused them all to stand up.

"What's going on? I demand you tell us at once, Asahina!"

"It's L/n! She's awake!"

They sprinted to the nurse's office to find what Aoi told to be true. In all her glory sat Y/n L/n upright in her bed. She was staring at her lap, the wires in her arms now unhooked.

"I've tried talking to her but it's no use. She's giving us the silent treatment." Aoi sighs, looking at the girl. Before they could think of a plan, Monokuma was up on the screen. He seemed to be extremely angry about something but wouldn't say what. He summoned them to the gym to which Byakuya came up with a plan to get her to the gym. Now that she was awake, he didn't want to count on any chances that she wouldn't get hurt or go missing.

"Hagakure, carry her on your back to the gym. Once we get there I need you, Asahina, to be a crutch for her." They all agreed to the plan and helped the unresponsive girl onto Hiro's back. They rushed to the gym to find that Monokuma was all worked up about something he wouldn't even tell them about.

"Well, that was a load of crap..." Hina complained, keeping her arm around Y/n's waist.

"It seems that Kirigiri may have stolen whatever Monokuma is irked about. She's a no-show as per usual. We may as well check the Principle's office."

Hiro took the girl on his back once again and they made their way up the stairs to the 4th floor.

"Of course it's locked!" Byakuya fumed, turning to Toko, "Fukawa! Get us a pickaxe. You have one minute."

The girl shrieked in fear and ran like her life depended on it. A minute or two went by when Syo came hurtling back. She and the others began bickering.

"No..." They all stopped and looked at the weak girl on Hiro's back. "If Syo is here... then someone..."

"FINALLY! This chick gets it!" Syo cackled. The 6 went hurtling up the stairs to try and find what they hoped wasn't true. However, it certainly was. A body covered with a lab coat and a knife plunged into it were on the ground. The face of the victim was covered by a mask so they had no idea who it could be.

Byakuya inspected the body before stepping away. Syo, however, sprinted at the body to take the mask off and see who the victim was. Her attempts were futile, however, as a large explosion went off, setting the top half of the victim's body on fire. Aoi protected Y/n from the blast and sat her down before she helped put the fire out.

The girl hugged her knees, not wanting to be here anymore. She'd watched her classmates and friends die without being able to help or say her goodbyes. Sayaka, Junko, Leon, Chihiro, Mondo, Taka, Hifumi, Celeste, Sakura...

Aoi sat beside her and hugged the girl. "I-It's okay, Y/n. It'll all be okay soon. Maybe you can help us unmask the mastermind!"
























"NO! NO MORE! I DON'T WANT ANYMORE! PLEASE STOP!" The girl screamed causing Aoi to let go of her. She gripped her hair tightly, sobbing. Her classmates surrounded her, none of them having much knowledge on what to do in this situation.

Byakuya caught on all too quickly.

He ordered the other's to start investigating before he knelt down in front of her.

"Y/n, listen to me." The girl looked up at the boy, her body shaking and the tears streaming down her face. "I promise you that we'll get out of this. Alive. Whoever put you through this will pay. You'll get your revenge."

"I-I don't want revenge... I just... I just want to leave... None of you remembers... And now they're all dead! THEY'RE ALL DEAD!" She stood up and ran off, covering her ears. She hid away from the others, hoping she'd magically find a way out. Instead, she bumped into Kyoko.

"Ah, Y/n. Shouldn't you be in the nurse's office?"


"Who?" She had already heard the body discovery announcement but had no idea who it went off for. The girl shrugged which caused Kyoko to sigh. "I assumed as much."

She followed Kyoko like a lost puppy for the investigation they did. She was completely out of it, she just wanted to go home. Soon, the announcement to head to the elevator had gone off. Kyoko helped the girl to the room which shocked everyone in the room.




They all descended in the elevator, Aoi keeping their sick survivor upright.

"How're you feeling, L/n?" Aoi asked, handing the girl a donut, "Sugar get's your energy levels up!"

The girl took the donut and bowed her head, taking a bite. It reminded her of the last time she was sick, except last time it was just a fever and not severe blood loss. She leaned into the girl's warmth as she devoured the sweet pastry. "Th-Thank you, Ao- Asahina."

"Hey, you can call me Aoi if you want!"


They arrived at the trial room, Aoi helping her to her spot which was between Celestia's portrait and Byakuya.

The trial was a back and forth of pick and choose the culprit: Kyoko Kirigiri or Makoto Naegi?

She had nothing to add.

In the end, the majority vote was on Makoto. She hugged Aoi, refusing to watch the execution. She couldn't bear it. However, Alter Ego had hacked the system. Makoto lived on. She cried happy tears when she finally looked over and saw.

This wasn't the end.

Assist Me - Byakuya TogamiWhere stories live. Discover now