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Months had gone by.

Her job as his assistant had been becoming more and more natural to her. However, this was something she had never had to do as an assistant. She sat at a vanity being pampered and prepared by professionals. Her hair was being curled and her makeup was being done, making her look elegant. They helped her into a dress, the dress being another gown. The top was red with 3-inch straps. It was an off the shoulder sleeve and had a gorgeous cream skirt with embroidered off-white flowers on both the skirt and top. She was accessorised with gold jewellery and red heels before she was sent off to the limo. She climbed in and was soon joined by Byakuya, his father, and a woman she had never met.

Byakuya looked away from his father and the woman, instead of looking out of the window. The 4 sat in the car until it pulled up to a large mansion. They entered the doors and were greeted by servants who offered to take any coats and bags.

She followed Byakuya to the ballroom where there were a lot of wealthy people. The blonde took a glass of champagne and walked to a quiet part of the room, Y/n following suit. She was here as his date to a fancy party.

"Why did you invite me of all people to be your date?"

"Don't take it seriously, moron. I needed a date to get into the dance. You're the only woman I can stand."

"I'm flattered. Who was the lady with Mr Togami?"

"Not sure."

"So she isn't your mother?"

"My mother is long gone. The next heir couples with multiple exceptional women and bears many children. He does not take a wife."


This news brought her sorrow. Her feelings were gradually becoming clearer to her but this tradition threw her for a loop. It confirmed a horrible truth to her: they could never be together.

Couples began flooding to the dancefloor and waltzing to the song that played. Byakuya snuck a glance or two at his assistant before he turned to her. He placed his right hand on the small of her back and pulled her in, holding her right hand with his left. A blush was evident under her makeup and she placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Togami, I'm not one to dance."

"Tonight you are."

He led the waltz, her following perfectly. The two had been trained to waltz at a young age because of their rich upbringings. They kept eye contact throughout in their quiet space of the ballroom. It was ethereal for both of them.

"You look... iridescent tonight." He said, completely in awe of her beauty. Snapping out of his daze he cleared his throat before speaking again, "I have a better fashion sense than first expected it seems."

The girl internally frowned at the added part of his compliment but shook it off, "That reminds me, was it you that gave me the dress for Halloween?"

"Who else would it have been?"

"Well..." He caught on quickly, realising it was probably something to do with Leon. He lifted her chin to make eye contact again.

"Focus on me, Y/n. Not him." He demanded before holding her right hand again. 

The song ended but the two continued to dance, only this time it was like they do at prom when it's getting to the end of the night. Her head was on his chest as they swayed together, his hand keeping her in place on the small of her back.

He saw his father from across the room gesturing for the two to follow them. He then remembered why they were even here in the first place. A room packed full of rich men? It was making business deals.

He let go of her hand and lifted her chin. "Follow me. We're here for a reason, don't forget."

She nodded and pulled away from him, linking arms with him. They had practised acting like a couple a few days before the party which in turn made her stomach flip.

The two approached his father and the people he was with, the girl letting go of his arm so he could greet them and shake their hand. They began introducing themselves, one of the investors taking an interest in Y/n.

"And who are you, li'l lady?" He asked, taking her hand and kissing it. The colour drained from her face and she stayed quiet before Byakuya spoke up.

"Her name is Y/n L/n." He explained briefly.

"Well, Kenji, I will be glad to invest if I can take her on a date~" He offered, staring her up and down. His father opened his mouth to speak but Byakuya interrupted him.

"My apologies, but that cannot be arranged." He said, wrapping an arm around the girl's waist. "You see, this girl is my fiancé."

As he spoke, he slipped a ring onto her finger before getting her to hold her hand out and show them. The man growled and slapped Byakuya, sending him to the ground. His glasses flew off and the girl gasped, kneeling to help him. A flash snapped the investor out of his delusions and the cameraman ran off, the investor shaking in fear. Kenji Togami glared at him in disgust.

"I have no means in talking business to you." That was all he could say before walking away with his date not sparing a second glance at his son.

Y/n grabbed his glasses and helped him sit up, handing them back to him. "Are you okay?"

The blonde scoffed and rubbed his cheek before standing up and walking off. The girl quickly got up and followed close behind. The male had gone outside to get some fresh air and cool off. What is wrong with him? His father was going to kill him. Lying about marriage and calling off a business deal all for some girl he hired as his assistant. He ran a hand through his hair and let out a frustrated sigh. He didn't understand and it pissed him off that that was the case.

He sat on the steps and groaned, looking down at his shoes. He heard the movement of some fabric before it stopped. He turned his head to the left to see Y/n sitting beside him staring up at the stars.

"Thanks for that, Togami. I appreciate you saving me back there. And I'm sorry for costing you a business deal."

"Don't apologise. That guy is in a lot of controversies as it is. We just dodged a bullet."

She smiles softly and hands him the ring back.

"Is your cheek okay?"

"It stings a little bit but it's fine."

The two sit in silence once more before the heir stands up and take his blazer off leaving him in his shirt, tie, and waistcoat. He draped the jacket over her shoulders before walking towards the door.

"Go wait in the limo. I'll be back soon so we can head home."

"Okay, Togami."

Assist Me - Byakuya TogamiWhere stories live. Discover now