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"Miss L/n!" She looked up to see Masaru jumping up and down. He walked into the cell and grabbed her hands, pulling her up. He put handcuffs around her and dragged her out of the cell.

"Masaru? Where are we going?"

The girl had been given a calender in her room which she marked off with a crayon they gave her. She had been marking down the days until they were saved. It had been a week.

"We're gonna play uno! Kotoko, Nagisa and Jataro wanna play so you're playing too!"

"But I haven't played this game for years!"

The girl was tied to a chair and forced to play uno with the kids. In all honesty, besides being tied to a chair, she was glad to be spending time with them again. She had no idea why they were captives but she had missed them all.

"I win!" Kotoko says, grinning and running away while Masaru and Jataro run after her. Nagisa starts untying her from the chair before taking her back to the cells.


"Yes, Miss L/n?"

"Can I... share a cell with Togami?"

"U-Um... I can look into it for you but... Kotoko might be a little wary if you try and do that."

"I understand."

Y/n had worked with the 5 of them for a year or two before the tragedy and found out what their home lives were like. That was the reason they were even in daycare. They ran away from home to try and get away from their families. It broke her heart so she tried her hardest to be there for them and give them the care they needed. They treated her like a big sister because of this.

Later that day, she was handcuffed again and taken to a slightly bigger cell while Byakuya got dragged in as he lay unconscious. She helped him into the bed and got uncuffed before she sat by his bed waiting.

"What the..." 10 minutes later and he was stirring. He sat up while Y/n turned to look at him with a smile.

"I got us in the same cell."

"I see."

She got up and walked to her bed, lying down. She wanted to go home. She wanted to see her friends again. Tears fell as he buried her face in the pillow she had.

"L/n." The girl looked up to see that he was standing by her bed. "Get up."

The girl sat up in the bed and stood before him, the height difference being evident between them. She didn't even realise it until her face was pressed into his chest. He was hugging her. She wrapped her arms around him and sobbed into his chest.

"I wanna go home... I want things to be back to the way they were... I want to live without the stress of the world on my shoulders..."

The boy rested his chin on her head, rubbing her back as she cried on him. "We'll get out of here soon. I have a feeling that help is on the way."

The girl couldn't do anything else but trust him. She loved him. She trusted him with her life.

"Okay... I believe you."

The two pulled away from the hug and stayed quiet the rest of the day. Even dinner was quiet. They sat across from each other but stayed silent as they ate. Although, Byakuya kept his eyes on the girl before him. They fell asleep and woke up the next morning to do the same thing. Then the next morning came. And the next. Soon it had been two weeks.

The two were sat in silence once again but this time they hear a different voice fill the hallways. One of those voices was Komaru. The other was... Toko.

They were arguing. Talking about how Komaru was going to stay in Towa City and Toko asking why after she wanted to leave so badly. That was when Toko expressed that she was also going to stay behind with her.

"Master and I are rock solid. Even if we're apart, our feelings towards each other will never change."

"Yes, that's correct."

"Huh?" The two ran towards the door at the end of the hallway, Toko exclaiming, "Master Byakuyaaaaa!"

"It's true what you said. Even if we're apart..." The h/c looked at him with a confused look, "My feelings of disgust towards you will never change."


In the end, the two found themselves outside of Towa City. Byakuya connected to a video call with Makoto to talk to him. He explained that Komaru and Toko weren't with them and showed him the video Komaru recorded explaining everything.

"So that's the situation. I thought all your sister was good for was cowering in fear but... there you have it." Byakuya said, his face stoic as always.

"Seriously... well... she's surprised me before," Makoto said, looking down reminiscently.

"Hey, Naegi. You know what we have to do now, right?" Makoto looked at the screen with a raised eyebrow, "We have to stop this idiotic war and retrieve them. We wouldn't want to betray their expectations."

"Yeah, you're right." The male was quite for a moment before speaking again, "I've made up my mind, Togami. If we ever end up in a situation like this again... No matter how dangerous the trap... I'm jumping right in. So I can end it properly. With my own two hands."

Byakuya was quite for a moment before speaking, "Hearing you say that reminds me of what you said back at the academy."


"Hope keeps going, huh..." There was a small smile on his face. But either way, it was genuine. "Fine. I'll partner with you. But just for a little while. At least... until I've repaid the debt I owe to Toko and your little sister."


The call ended between them and Byakuya closed the laptop whilst he waited for the rescue to come to them. He walked to the bars that kept them from falling into the water around them and stood beside the girl he had come to love.

He had his memories back. He knew who he had loved. Who he still loved.

"L/n." She looked at him but didn't say a word. "I loved you too."

She was shocked to hear him say something like that. Their chats together had never really been about regaining their memory as he never brought it up. She never had to talk to people like Kyosuke Munakata about getting her memories back as she never lost them in the first place.

"You... what?"

"I loved you. And if I'm being honest, I still love you. I remember everything from our time together. I remember how caught up in staring at you I used to get which got me in trouble when I didn't do my work. I remember you making sure I had my coat and scarf every time we went to a meeting because you didn't want me getting ill. I remember calling Pennyworth about you because being with you made me sick to my stomach but not like Fukawa did. I love you Y/n and I confirm to myself that this is true."

His confession brought her to complete silence. Love? He can't be serious. But he wouldn't lie about something like this.

That's when she kissed him. It was short and sweet but enough to tell him that she felt the same way.

"I love you too, Byakuya."

Assist Me - Byakuya TogamiWhere stories live. Discover now