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All of them were shocked to see Junko. The girl started acting in multiple personas, confusing them.

"Ever since I gave away my little experiment, I haven't been able to pick a way to act! Plus, isn't it boring doing the same old shit?!"

The h/c girl was shaking in her boots. She didn't want to see her again.

"So, how've you been, Y/n?"


"Don't make casual conversation with her, you maniac! Do you have any idea the turmoil you put her through?!" Byakuya shouted, putting an arm in front of her.

"Of course I do, trust fund, why do you think I did it? I'll give ya a hint: it's for despair!" She laughed maniacally, a grin on her face.

"Y-You killed your own sister?! Y-You're-!" The swimmer paled, feeling sick thinking about it.

"The reasons I killed her run deeper than the ocean." She said a dead expression on her face before she cackled, "NAH, just kidding! I was just bored!"

They all stared at her in horror. How could they have been classmates with such a despicable human being?!

"For the plan to work we needed someone working behind the scenes, a stage manager if you like. Someone to puppeteer Monokuma and watch over you all. Therefore, with my analysis, Mukuro would have been poorly cast." Her explanation seemed to go in one ear and out the other for some of them.

"We agreed that I would work behind the scenes while she acted as a student. Alas, a soldier wouldn't fit comfortably in the minds of students who don't know each other and we couldn't let the Ultimate Fashionista go to waste, therefore she acted like me. I must say she did a terrible job of it!"

"I see, so you switched places." Kyoko pieced together.

"Yes, quite right. Although, she acted like a side character so I had to kill her off respectively like one."

"So, you killed her off just for your viewership?" Makoto asked, not wanting to believe what the girl was saying.

"Yes, well, there's much more to it, but to put it simply: the wretch had overstayed her welcome."

"Her death was a betrayal. That much could be seen in the look on her face. She thought that you two were in this together and didn't see her untimely exit."

Makoto was disgusted by her actions but Junko just kept on talking until Byakuya spoke up, "Enough, we don't need it spelt out for us, thanks! I'm less interested in sibling rivalry than I am in the function of this place!"

Once Aoi spoke up about something not feeling right with their memories being wiped, the screens turned on to reveal that the world was in ruins, the despair of the symbols of hope killing each other spreading despair into the world.

"My brain refuses to wrap itself around this..!" Hiro complained.

That's when Makoto realised something, "Wait, you and Syo don't share memories! Maybe she remembers what happened!"

"I-I'm not bringing her out again! She fr-reaks me out!"

"Get ahold of yourself. We need her!" Byakuya stated. Not even a second later she had sneezed and Syo was now in control. "Look at the video footage and tell us what you know!"

"Screens?" She looked around before spotting Junko, "Who're you?!"

"Oh, hi I'm the mastermind..."

"Nice to meet ya!"

"Thanks, the feelings mutual..."

"Focus damnit!"

The killer looked at the screens before looking at Byakuya, "Do you not remember, Master?!"

Assist Me - Byakuya TogamiWhere stories live. Discover now