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The final school bell rang out causing the students to stand up and collect their things so they could leave. Y/n was one of the first at the door, holding it open for her classmates. Most thanked her, to which she would smile and nod. Once everyone had exited the room, she walked down the halls, past the lockers and out of the door. She waited at the gate, checking her bag to see if she had any money on her to get a taxi. She had very little change, causing her to tense up. Walking to the daycare in heels? Not her best plan. But it was her only option. She began her trek, walking confidently. She liked walking in her heels, especially the ones she wore for school. They were only an inch or 2 tall so they were a comfy height and the sound they made against concrete or hardwood floors satisfied her to no end.

A limo began pulling up beside her, slowly driving as she walked. She stopped and glanced over at it, raising an eyebrow. The limo stopped with her and one of the windows rolled down to reveal Byakuya Togami. She let out a sigh and walked over, leaning over so they were head height.

"Get in. We shall drive you to work."


"Don't be difficult."

"1. I'm not getting into a car with you. 2. I have no money to get home so I'm fine going there and home on foot. 3. There's a high chance you're doing it so I'll do something for you in return."

"1. You're being difficult. 2. I will give you some money. 3. I am indeed."

The girl couldn't help but appreciate his bluntness. Sure, it irritated her that he was being so painfully honest, but she also liked being told outright.


She got into the limo, sitting in the seats opposite Byakuya. She set her bag and blazer beside her. She crossed her arms and made eye contact with him.

"So, what is it that you want from me? For me to beg? For me to owe you my life? For me to-"

"I want you to work for me again. My assistant. 8k a week. You will serve me and be with me during meetings. You shall make notes of the meetings and will be by my side for the majority of our school life. My driver will drive us to and from school and I will join you at your daycare job."

"Join me at my..?"

"I refuse to help out. I'll just be there to do work and ask you to serve me when necessary. Besides, I have a strong dislike for children."

"I see. Do I have to sell my soul for this or?"

"Very funny. I will need your information including legal information, medical documents, and measurements. If you will be joining me at my meetings then you must look appropriate and not like a peasant."

She gave him an offended look. "This is my favourite skirt!"

"I do not care, it looks like you stole it from a homeless woman's corpse."

"You're a disgusting creature, Togami."

"Tch. Will you take me up on my offer?"

She thought for a moment before raising an eyebrow, "These terms you've set out... at that point, I might as well be living with you!"

"Well, that can certainly be arranged. It would make things far easier when you serve me in a morning and at night."

"Wait, i-it wasn't a-!"

"I will discuss it with my father tonight."

She went quiet as the limo came to a stop. She got out of the confines of the seatbelt and grabbed her blazer and bag, exiting the limo. She closed the door behind her and walked up to the door of the daycare, refusing to look at the vehicle. She entered through the door, setting her things down in the staff room.

Kotoko jumped on her, grinning. "Miss L/n! You're here!"

The girl fell onto the floor from shock. She hugged the girl and smiled, "Of course I am Koto!"

The other 4 entered the room, one of them pointing to the front door she had entered. "Miss L/n, who's the beanstalk?"

Her head shot up and she sat up, turning her head to see Byakuya at the doorway.

"Ah, um, this is Byakuya Togami. He's a classmate of mine."

"A classmate? You mean he's a cool ultimate as well?" Kotoko asked, stars in her eyes as she jumped up and ran over to him, jumping up and down. "It's nice to meet you, Mr Togami! What's your talent? Are you famous? Are you dating Miss L/n?"

The blonde scoffed, looking away from the girl. Y/n stood up, rushing over to Kotoko and holding her hand.

"I can answer any questions you have for him, Kotoko. He isn't very talkative, so remember what we said?"

"Don't force anyone into what they don't want?"

"Exactly! Now come on, I brought treats for you all!"

The children cheered, their attention completely off the second Ultimate student in their midst. She took them into the play area where she sat on a chair, the 5 children sitting on the floor. She took 5 bags of fruit gummies out of her pocket, passing 1 each to all of them. They began eating, asking her about what Hope's Peak was like.

"My class is wonderful, although I didn't get to make many new friends just yet-"

"What about Mr Togami?" Nagisa asked. Her eyes widened a little and she turned around to look at the blonde who was sitting at a table. His computer was in front of him and he was typing away. His focus was completely on the screen before his eyes. She turned back to the kids and gave a soft smile.

"Togami and I are just...colleagues."

"What's a colleague?" Jotaro asked, picking apart the bag of gummies he had finished.

"Someone you work with. I'm his..." She looked back at him to see him looking at her now, "I'm his assistant."

Kotoko's eyes lit up, "Woah! So, like, you're gonna end up like they do in the movies?"


Monaca spoke up, "The movies, Miss L/n! The ones where the boss man falls in love with his assistant!"

Her cheeks lit up at what these children were saying.

"Wow, uh, your imaginations are very... intricate today, girls! I can assure you that my and Togami's relationship is strictly business-related."

"Children! Time for dinner!" The children jumped up and each hugged the student before rushing to the dining room. The h/c girl smiled and stood up, calling into the dining hall to ask if Ms Moroko needed any help.

"Don't worry about it, Darling! You've just been to school. Please, do take a rest."

The girl obliges, sitting across from Byakuya.

"Those children are..."

"Good at putting me in awkward situations?"

"I was going to say humourous, but that also fits."

"They're growing on you?"

"No. They're just very respectful. Now, let's talk living arrangements."

Assist Me - Byakuya TogamiWhere stories live. Discover now