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"Please can I have a black coffee, a hot chocolate, and 2 breakfast sandwiches to go?" The barista nodded and she took the card that she was given by the Togami family out of her purse and used it on the card reader. After paying she stood aside and waited for her drinks to be ready. She was given the card to buy things for purposes such as getting Byakuya his coffee or getting Byakuya dinner, etc.

"Hey! Y/n, right?" She turned around to see a boy with red hair which was quite long. He had a very long piece of red facial hair on his chin and a piercing just above it. he had quite a few ear piercings in his right ear and wore a pair of baggy distressed jeans and an oversized shirt with a band that she could only assume was heavy metal. Even with the strong scent of coffee lingering in the shop she could still smell the cologne he was wearing. It was like he had doused himself in it.

"Oh, hello Leon. I wasn't expecting you to be here."

"I wasn't expecting you here either. What girl goes to a cafe on her own?"

"I'm here to pick up a drink and breakfast for Togami. He's got a meeting soon so he's getting breakfast on the go."

"That explains the limo outside." He laughed at the end of his sentence which caused me to let out a breathy giggle. "So, you're planning the Halloween party?"

"Yeah, it's today so don't forget okay?"

"I won't, Princess. Wanna go together?"

"Um-" She was about to answer but the barista called out Leon's name which she almost took an audible breath of relief for. She didn't know the baseball star very well but she knew of his flirtatious nature which made her a little uncomfortable. She didn't want to come off as rude so at least now she had a few more seconds to think about her answer.

He came back to her to get an answer to his question but she was called over herself to get the things she had ordered. She walked over and picked them up, walking back over to Leon who opened the door for her so they could leave.

"I'll think about your offer, okay? I really have to get going."

"Of course! See ya, Y/n!" He said before walking the opposite way. A smile graced her lips at how polite he was before she climbed into the car, handing Byakuya his breakfast. He had his head in some papers, reading through them so he could come up with the best business deal. He put the papers down and began to eat his breakfast, occasionally taking a sip of his coffee. The h/c did the same, eating the food she had ordered. It was quite an expensive cafe which was why she was a little baffled as to why Leon of all people was there.

"Why was that plebian there?" Was the first thing Byakuya had to say to her the entire car journey.

"I'm not sure. He is a baseball star so I can only assume he's pretty rich and wanted to get something that's expensive and high quality."

"That would make sense, but he doesn't seem like the type to go to a cafe early in the morning."

"What are you trying to say?"

"Nothing. Sort these papers out for me."

She sighed and finished her food, wiping her hands with a wet wipe and sanitizing them before she began organising the papers he had been looking at. Once they were in order she put them in his briefcase and closed it as the car stopped. The two got out, the girl thanking her gut feeling for telling her to put a scarf on. She held the drinks in her left hand and hooked her own handbag onto her right elbow while she held his briefcase in her right hand.

"Don't forget to make notes of this meeting, it's important."

"Of course. Are you sure you're warm enough in just your suit? It's freezing."

"I'm fine. Don't distract me with idle chit chat."

She nodded and let him finish his drink before he threw it in the bin. She threw hers in the bin too as she had finished it and the two went inside.

After talking to the lady over the desk they were in an elevator to the 5th floor of the building. He made sure he looked appropriate in the window whilst Y/n took her coat and scarf off, holding the two over her arm. She wore a white long-sleeved button-up with a black pencil skirt with a black blazer over her shoulders along with her pantyhose and black heels. The two walked out of the box and down the hall until they reached a double door being guarded by security. The two showed their badges and were granted entry where a long table with lots of men in suits was arranged.

A lady who she assumed was a secretary there showed her where the coat rack was with a soft smile. She hung the coat and scarf up before sitting beside Byakuya, handing him his briefcase and taking her notepad and pen out.

The meeting lasted an hour. It was incredibly boring for both of them but neither would admit that.

The two left, checking the time. 8:34 am. She yawned, the cold breeze slapping her in the face to wake her up. She checked her phone to see the limo stuck in traffic on her traffic app.

"The limo is stuck in traffic."

"How long will it be?"

She checked the tracker and sighed, "between 5 and 10 minutes."


The two of them sat on a bench and stayed quiet. Byakuya was shivering in the autumn weather which brought her no shock. It was freezing out but there wasn't a lot to be done. They sat in silence before Byakuya spoke up.

"What did he talk to you about?"

"Do you mean Leon? He was just asking if I wanted to go to the party with him."


"And I didn't answer. I think I'll decline since I'm not really going to participate in the party."


The two of us went quiet. A few minutes had passed and finally, the car had arrived. We both got in and sat through a silent journey back before we went our separate ways in his house. He took his briefcase and went into his room whilst she went into her own. Sighing, she put her bag down and took her coat and scarf off, hanging the two up in her closet.

She took the notepad out of her bag and walked through the halls before knocking on Byakuya's door. She walked in once granted entry and handed him the notepad with the page of the notes of the meeting. He read over them before waving her off.

She left and decided to retreat back to her room for a little while. However, she froze once she saw something on the bed that she had clearly missed.

A gorgeous gown fit for a princess.

Assist Me - Byakuya TogamiWhere stories live. Discover now