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The girl woke up to a slap to the face. She lifted her head to see who slapped her, but it was too dark.

"Hiya, Y/n!" She recognised that voice. It was so upbeat, so casual, so her.

"Junko? Is that you?" She asked trying to stand up from the chair she had been sitting in. She learnt the hard way that she wasn't getting out of the chair. "Um, Junko? Can you untie me?"

"No can do, hun! OH! The main event is coming up!" With that, she left the room. She was on her own. In the pitch-black dark. Strapped to a chair. Soon, a light came from a TV in the room. The screen was on the wall. The light emitting from it showed more TVs that hadn't been turned on. On that screen, a black and white teddy bear was talking to 15 students. Those students were people she recognised instantly.

She listened to what was being said as more and more TVs turned on showing the different rooms in the building.

"This is Hope's Peak..."

"If you wish to leave then you must kill someone and get away with it!"

"This can't be real..."

Her eyes were glued to the screen as she watched her classmates shudder in fear. There, in the midst of it all, she spotted Byakuya. Her eyes filled with tears as she realised that he too was a part of the killing game.

The stress of it all caused her to pass out. And by the time she woke up, it was the next day. She sat in the room on her own, staring at what her classmates were doing. She felt like she was playing the sims or watching over them like some sort of God. She hated it.


"Stop your yappin' or you'll regret it!"



Tears threatened to slip as her cheek stung. "I'm gonna have to get some tape and fix that little problem of yours."

Her tears fell and she sobbed. She wanted to leave.

The pink-haired girl skipped out of the room to grab some tape. Why? Why was she doing this?

It only got worse. She had to watch Sayaka lose herself completely. She watched her swing for Leon. She watched Leon kill her. Junko clapped and ate popcorn as it happened, laughing. Laughing.

"Oh wow! Wait until Makoto finds out!" Tears slipped down her cheeks again. Sayaka, a girl who gave up everything to reach her dream, had died right before her eyes. She watched Makoto faint when he found the body.

Junko left the room with an empty expression. She walked back into the room with the Monokuma door and began controlling Monokuma again. She had figured out that the other Junko was Mukuro, and her heart deflated when she watched the spikes impale her. She tumbled to the ground, the life she once had in her gone.

Junko entered the room once again, drooling. "Oh, the despair! I killed my sister! And someone else is gonna die! And then another and another and another and another!" The Junko she once knew was never real. This Junko was the real Junko. Hot and bothered at the thought of the overwhelming despair she could feel seeing her friends and family she loved so dearly dying.

The class gathered information and soon they were put into what Junkuma called a Class Trial. She watched as Makoto fought with his life and Kyoko backed him up. She watched Leon get accused. She watched his breakdown. She watched him get pelted with 1000 baseballs.

"MAKE IT STOP! PLEASE, MAKE IT STOP!" She begged and pleaded but Junko kicked her in the face. Her arms, legs and face were covered in marks and bruises that Junko had inflicted. Every time she did she smiled. That god forbidden smile. What was she doing with her?

It only continued. She sobbed and begged and pleaded every day. Her heart wrenched seeing people fall apart and murder. She watched Byakuya tie up Chihiro's dead body and try and pin the blame on Toko and her other personality: Genocider Syo.

"Th-That..." Byakuya had changed. He had opened up. She knew he had. "THAT'S NOT HIM, IT CAN'T BE-"


"SHUT UP! It's gonna get good!"

Mondo was executed the next day. Her head felt dizzy as she had to watch all of her classmates - her friends - die.

"Wow... This is EXHILARATING!" Junko squealed, clapping her hands.

"Why... Why are you keeping me here?"

"'cause, I don't wanna be lonely! Plus, I wanna see how much despair you get from this. Isn't it horrific to see all your friends be stabbed, impaled, bludgeoned, murdered in cold blood?"

"I won't give in to your tricks, Junko! They'll figure out who you are and they'll take you down!"

The despair sister looked at the h/c with an empty expression. The same expression she had after Makoto found Sayaka's body. It looked... bored. She was bored.

"God, that hope is so boring." She walked into the Monokuma room, confusing her.

All she knew was that she was here for torture. A toy to fill with despair. She watched her classmates go to their dorms, Byakuya specifically. He looked in his wardrobe again. It confused her, but she was too tired to think about it. She fell into a dreamless sleep.

Byakuya looked through all the suits hanging in his wardrobe and felt something itch at him. One of the blazers in there was gone. He never put it down somewhere and no one besides him had gone into his room. He guessed that someone must have taken it, but who? There were 17 seats in the courtroom and only 15 students. Maybe there was a mastermind?

That's when he saw it. A notepad at the bottom of the wardrobe. He picked it up and flipped through the pages. It was full of notes from meetings and appointments. That was when he saw it.

Byakuya's Birthday

- Books
- Coffee
- Make him a cake
- Write a card
- Breakfast in bed
- Take him to a fancy restaurant

He flipped through the pages in a desperate attempt to find the name or identity of who had written in this notebook. That's when he saw it at the back.

Property of: Y/n L/n

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