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Her eyes scanned the dress that was laid neatly on her bed. It was an off the shoulder gown that started red and ombred down into an off-white colour. The waistline was lined with flowers and made her feel warm inside. Her lips turned upwards as she looked around the dress, inspecting it. It was gorgeous; perfect. A tiara was left with it along with some white mary jane heels and some extra jewellery in gold.

A note was left on top of it. She picked it up and read the neat handwriting.

'Your Halloween costume'

Was this Byakuya's doing? No, it couldn't be. He already said that he wasn't going. Maybe it was Leon? He did call her princess earlier.

She shook off the thoughts and took the dress, hanging it up in the closet. She took the accessories and shoes and put them on a table in the closet too before she left and went on with her day.

It had turned 7 and the girl was in her room. Some of the girl's had come over early to get ready together, those girls being Kyoko, Aoi, Sakura, Junko, and Mukuro. Junko and Aoi were doing people's makeup while they all conversed.

"So, is Smarty Pants joining us?" Aoi asked which forced a chuckle out of Mukuro.

"Not sure. I asked him but he declined so I doubt it."

"Ugh, he's such a sleeze! Can't he just, like, enjoy himself or something?" Junko complained as she blended the eyeshadow on Y/n's lid.

"He is the heir to the Togami Family so I imagine that fun is a no-go." Sakura said, sitting in her costume.

The girl's conversed and laughed before they were all ready. Kyoko was dressed as an old school detective, Aoi was a Spongebob and Sakura was Patrick, Junko was Harley Quinn and Mukuro was Joker. Y/n was dressed in the gown that had been gifted to her and smiled as she looked in the mirror. Junko forced them to take pictures and they all came out beautifully. The h/c smiled when she saw herself. Her hair was done in curls, her makeup looked gorgeous, the outfit fit her like a glove. Everything felt perfect to her. The 5 others went down to the party which was sure to be starting soon while Y/n stayed back to grab her checklist and pen to make sure that everything was prepared.

She left the room and hiked her dress up with one hand and held her clipboard in the other as she headed down the hall to the party.

The ballroom was decorated with cobwebs and spooky decorations, the tables were lined up with treats and delicious food, the music was playing and people were already here when it was only 7:25.

Ishimaru was one of the others to be there early. He was dressed as a police officer, probably to drive in the fact that he is an enforcer of authority. She greeted him and he bowed, thanking her for throwing and inviting him to the party.

Time passed and more people arrived. She ticked things off as time went by and spoke to her friends but something itched at her. Togami wasn't here. She sighed and looked around for him before she bumped into Leon.

"Hey Y/- Holy crap! You look..." He gazed at her in awe, pulling the collar of his shirt away from him before saying, "smokin' hot!"

She gave him a smile that behind closed doors was an uncomfortable one. She wasn't one who liked being called "hot" or "sexy" since it made her feel so dirty. She thanked him and told him that she'd be right back before leaving the room. She made her way to Byakuya's room and knocked on the door.

"Come in." She entered, looking around the room for him. She saw him in his suit from this morning reading at his desk. He looked at her and stared for a second or two and looked away, "Is there something you need?"

"I was just wondering if you'd be joining us?"

"No. Please leave."

"Oh. Okay..."

She left without another word, walking through his door and closing it before she walked back to the ballroom. She didn't know why she was so upset about this, it was just Byakuya. She only respected him, nothing more.

She danced with Leon for a while who had dressed as a demon and talked with him before the large doors opened to reveal a long blonde. The class cheered as they had hoped he'd drop by, but Y/n stood in shock.

He was dressed in a white shirt with ruffles where the buttons were. A blue waistcoat was worn on top of it and some black dress pants were worn below. His head adorned a crown and his legs started moving, walking towards the one who was studying him. He stood before her, towering over her. He bowed before her, causing her to curtsy in front of him. He held her hand gently and brought it up to his lips, kissing her knuckles. Her face flamed red. Her heart raced under her skin. Her mouth curled upwards. What was he doing? In front of everyone?

He gave her a smug smirk which cracked her. Was this all a facade? A ploy? She took her hand out of his grasp and grabbed Leon's, walking away with him. The blonde rolled his eyes and walked over to Makoto who was in shock.

"What was that?!" He screamed, mouth agape. The blonde crossed his arms and scoffed.

"I was testing her, plebian. We have something coming up and she has to be present for it." Kyoko glared at him which made him roll his eyes.

"You're a monster."

"I've been called worse."

Y/n was in a worse state than any of them could imagine. Her feelings had gone out of wack and now she had just been taken advantage of by a classmate?

"Please stop..."

"Aw, come on! You've got me all hot and bothered now, you should at least help me!"

"I don't want to..."

"It's your fault I'm horny!"

She'd never forget today.

"Okay, I'll do it..."


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