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"Young Master, your father wishes to see you."

The blonde sat across from his father in the man's study. It had been a long time since he was here as he was never granted permission to come into the room unless it was absolutely necessary.

"We need to talk about your assistant."

He felt his heart drop. Why was Y/n being brought into this?

"What about her?"

His father took out a newspaper and pushed it towards his son. There, on the front cover, was him draping his blazer over her shoulders and him helping her into the car. He never knew that someone had taken a picture of it. The headline didn't make it any better either. In big bold letters, it read, 'The Youngest Heir is making moves?!'

"There's a misunderstanding here-"

"I know it's a misunderstanding. Which is why I don't see this happening again. Am I clear?"

The blonde looked at his father and pushed up his glasses.

"Yes, sir. I'll talk to her about it now."

The stern man didn't speak another word. The blonde took the newspaper and left the room. Y/n was in her room sorting papers out from a meeting they had just been to and was shocked to hear a knock. "Come in!" She was more shocked to see Byakuya.

"We need to talk."

The girl went pale for a moment. What was he on about? Was he going to fire her?


He handed her the newspaper just like his father had done to him mere minutes ago. She read it and her eyes widened.

"Oh my..."

"We cannot risk something like that happening again. I have a name to uphold, L/n, and you will not take that from me. Is that clear?" He was shouting at her. She held back tears and nodded, handing him the paper before he left. Once the door had closed she burst into tears. She didn't want to ruin anything for him. Maybe it was a bad idea to celebrate his birthday. She picked up her phone and dialed a number whilst still sobbing.


"Ms Moroko? Can I come over?"

"Of course honey! I'll get some tea brewing."

"Thank you, I'll be there shortly."

She ended the call and put her phone along with some other items into her bag before calling a taxi. She informed Pennyworth of where she was going and made her way outside, getting into the taxi.

She sat with Ms Moroko on the couch as she sobbed, the older lady hugging her close and petting her hair.

"It'l be okay, Bee. You didn't ruin his life, that's for sure."

"H-How do you know?" The sobbing girl asked.

"I've seen how he looks at you when you look after the kids." Ms Natsuki butts in, rocking one of the babies to sleep.

"Oh yeah! That never gets any work done when you're here, I swear! It's like he's studying you!"

"Don't be silly, he gets plenty of *sniffle* work done."

"Bee, you need to be honest with me here." Ms Moroko pulls away from the hug and makes eye contact with her, "Do you have feelings for Togami?"

The girl was hit deep in the heart. She'd been pushing her feelings down for a year now. She'd pushed it down for the sake of his traditions, his name, and for herself. If she admitted to herself that she liked - no, loved Togami - she'd never look at him the same way again. Although, if she was being honest to herself, she knew she'd stopped seeing him as the asshole from elementary school a long time ago.

Love. She was well and truly in love with him.


"Oh, Bee, what are we gonna do with you?"

She entered the school with her boss in silence. She had multiple bags with her which were being carried in by servants who were also carrying Byakuya's belongings. They had agreed to live in the school as a shelter while the tragedy was dying down. The bags were carried to their dorms while they headed to the second floor. She helped Sakura and Aoi try and put the bolts up on the walls.

She could feel Byakuya's stare on her but actively ignored it. "Why aren't you talking to Y/n?" Makoto asked the heir.

"None of your business, plebian." He stated before walking off, the lucky student sighing and going to Sayaka.

He went into an empty classroom and took his phone out. Quickly dialling the person he was closest to, he held the phone to his ear as he sat on one of the desks.

"Young Master?"

"I need to talk to you. It's about Y/n."

"It seems she's been trying to have as little contact with you as possible. Is she talking to you now or is she still distant?"

"She's still ignoring me."

"I see. What did you wish to talk about regarding her?"

"She makes me feel... strange."

"How so?"

"Her smile is always so enchanting it makes me feel sick. Her laugh is intoxicating and her kindness is numbing. She makes me feel sick to my stomach but not in the same way Fukawa does."

"Have you considered that it could be the fact you have feelings for Miss L/n?"

"Feelings?! Don't be idiotic, Pennyworth, I would know if I had feelings for her."

"Why did you send in the Princess dress for Halloween?"

"To make her flustered."

"Why did you take her to a party you didn't need a date for?"


"Why, after a month, did you not tell the press to get rid of that evidence that you and Miss L/n looked like a couple? You never confirmed or denied anything. I believe that you are struggling to come to terms with the fact that you cant confirm or deny your true feelings for her."


"Am I right, Young Master?"

"I will talk to you later. They're going to start boarding up the windows here." He ended the call and shoved the phone in his pocket, scoffing.

He'd never have feelings for her. Not in a million years. Not if the world was ending.

"Togami?" His head snapped towards the door to reveal Y/n in all her glory.


"...It's getting dark. Principal Kirigiri wants us to go back to our dorms while some workers do the rest."

"Tch." He walked towards the door and pushed past her. However, he was stopped by her grabbing his sleeve.

"Byakuya, I have a bad feeling about tonight." She was trembling. His eyes softened the slightest bit. She had never used his first name. He silently took his blazer off and draped it around her shoulders. With a soft kiss on the head, he walked down with her. Their walk was silent besides the sound of her heels clicking against the tiled flooring. Before they departed she hugged him. Tighter than ever. As if it was the last time they'd hug again. He held her close, resting his chin on her head.

The pin worn on his blazer was taken off and put onto the collar of her white button-up. He pulled the blazer onto her more before he watched her retreat into her room.

And that was the last time they saw each other for the next two years.

Assist Me - Byakuya TogamiWhere stories live. Discover now