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Running around I finally found the kind of tube firemen used for water not far away.

Directing it to the fire the flames started fading, I kept doing it stopping sometimes to take my breath, the smoke made it impossible to properly breathe, steadying myself I kept going aware that if we waited for the firemen all the house will burn leaving us all homeless.

The woman came back speaking to the phone but I kept going having the flame all disappeared slowly but to be sure I had to move the thing there piece by piece with her help at some point but her phone kept ringing.

"Mama, yes... It is the place in the back... No... There is no need for them anymore the fire is all gone,... No, it is you renter  who did it. Okay ... We are still making sure that everything is alright. Bye."

Focused on my tasks I made sure everything was off, by the time I finished I was covered with ashes, the place was totally submerged with water, rather soaked from the floor to the ceiling, the woman was now sitting not far on a bench that was everything but clean
looking at it all lost.

I felt nothing but adrenaline pumping in my veins, after making sure I could go in peace. I stared at her pointing the light.

"It is better you let that off, just in case. But I think we are go now. Oh, you should ask your mother to see why the fire alarm didn't work, she may fix it. Have a good night."

"Hmm, please wait.... I didn't catch you name."  Stopping in my track I turned back to face her my stare never leaving her face.

Smirking after aching an eyebrow I knew she couldn't see me in the dark or rather the dim one the solar system was providing.

I, despite the people who thought that because they have it all they could boss the others around and that woman was giving that vibe away to me, turning my back to her again I started walking toward the gates that she first refused to open, pushed the handle to open the small party looked back at her.

"And me yours, plus I never told you." Just like that I walked away totally beaten up to even care about what or how she may feel, spoil brat.

The close gates taunted me for a moment making me wonder if what just happened did, the young woman that helped just walked out completely ignoring me.

The sound of my phone brought me back to the reality, looking at it I saw it was my mother calling again. Shaking my head I accepted the call.


"Baby everything is alright!? Are you safe with the kids!?"

The concern mixed with with frustration clouded her mother voice the noise she her  finger was doing on her steering wheel her daughter could heard, pushing her wondering mind away she focused on calming her mother worries.

"Yeah Mama I told you the fire stop, thanks to the woman above us, she did everything by herself."

"God I'm on my way, the traffic is impossible" frustrated she hit the steering wheel making her daughter uneasy, it wasn't often her mother will be like that , she was the most composed a person could be I all situation. This the young woman could understand wasn't like it all her family was implicated.

Growing frustrated at the car which refused to moved the older woman suck her lower lip in between her teeth horror images playing in her head, at that rate she knew her house could have been reduce to ashed if that young lady wasn't courageous to do something, the fireman was to the complete opposite of her house and the town now and with the traffic it was impossible.

"You cut the electricity right?'

"Yes mum, it was the first thing she asked me to do.the solar system light is on though. "

"Okay, hmmm. Make sure the kids are good I will be there ASAP." One hand
In her hairs she moved them trying to control her panic beating her lower lip merciless.

It was like cars wasn't moving anymore, she knew she could easily make hours just to get out of the town after hanging up she laid her head on the steering wheel trying not to cry, she could still see it as if it was happening in front of her the day her family house had burnt from floor to ceiling leaving them broke with nothing to refer to, untill now the cause of the fire was not determined, they had to live miserably for that day, all the stud had burnt with the animals.

They had called for the firemen but they had arrived late when there where nothing left. Breathing heavily she wondered why this will happen to her, she thought everything was under  control.

She bought that land there knowing it would have value in the near future. She invested all she had to have that dream house, working harder than her peer all to have it practically burnt just like that.

The image of her daughter and her grand children came in her mind causing her to whined, she could have lost more than money, her daughter was her pride she was so fragile she knew If she was alone there the story would have been different she would be a broken woman at that very moment not to know what could have happen to her babies.

Marilyn was the total opposite of the young lady she accepted to rent the flat to. Her face came in her mind making a small smile to play on her lip, she looked like a child but had that fierce power in her eyes that captured her soul the moment she saw her sitting in front of her gates certainly to rest the day they first met.

Originally the flat was for her daughter but after meeting the greyish blue eyes she couldn't bring herself to not help her, before she even registered what her mouth was saying she wondered why the girl was smiling at like a porcupine that lowered its thorn.

That smile she had to say did it all weirdly it made her happy to know she was. One thing leading to another she started living there surprisingly she was neat and made no noise.

As she slammed her fingers on her stirring wheel, the ring she had on her finger sparked making her rolled her eyes, at that she wandered her gaze around her, she knew it wasn't a bad idea of taking her in. Infact she didn't even need the money she paid her for the rent but being money it still help at something.

The power started going on and off on the streetlight, then just like it was to guess a total darkness followed by the honk off all the frustrated drivers protesting the fate filled the surrounding. That just means that there were no signalisation anymore. Meaning she had for the double of the time it would have taken her.

"Just thanks you universe... Just what I needed." Mumbling the last part after looking at the dark sky she leaned back in her seat making herself comfortable a rumble of her stomach reminded her she haven't eaten at all.

Aware she coumd take her time now that she had no choice she retrieved the back that was in  the back seat taking a bowl out of it. It was a food she bought before receiving her daughter call, opening it the aroma of fries chicken soup with pasta filled the car making her mouth watered.

"Thanks you God for this, rather than groaning, I should be thankful for all you already did today... Sorry for yelling at you." After a silent Amen she started eating really feeling the thing. She was blessed may at least act like it.

No one that knew her may think she could pray or have some kind of faith, they all call her evil, shrugging she kept digging in her pasta not minding the honks that kept blaring out like it could change something on the traffic jam.

I SEE 'YOU' , The Woman With Greenish Blue EyesWhere stories live. Discover now