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A wave toward the kind woman who had treated her with respect throughout the week, Lexa earned a nodded of acknowledgement from her  accompanied by a smile which was a lot, she did not wanted to be in the older woman bad side by adding unnecessary complications to her life if she had spoken.

Finally turning her back not knowing if they will ever meet again, she felt sad.  It was a real pity that the only person she had ever felt good enough to speak freely with about her life  was just so unattainable and all of it just for a short span of time! Most of the time people did not take her seriously because of her choice of work.

Like working to be a chef was a waiste of one's life. "Everyone can manage to cook anything of they want to. It cannot be a hard." her brother once said. Seriously.

Miss Oreon thought highly of her, even told her to mark her words.

" I will make sure to be on the first line of those who will be there when your restaurant will open, no way will I miss the beginning of what will be a five stars reference in the field of cooking." So much faith in someone she barely know.

In one week if Lexa had learned one thing about her, it was the huge heart she possessed. With the mood she was in, she had indulged all her request with that sweat smile of hers that reminded her of the one permanent on Buddha face, not plain or inexistent. Like she could understand everything.

Smiling instantly at the thought, she glanced up to the impressive woman walking in front of her, only to be dazed by how stunning she was. Blinking twice, she completely took her in from her feet to the top of her head. Different she was, but the good kind, the very sexy bombshell kind.

Looking like the goddess she was, totally dressed to kill, closing her mouth that was slightly opened with wonder, she swallowed hard her eyes never leaving the sight in front of her. Yes, she knew Mrs Sawyer was the imperial kind of beauty, a bit cold on all the edges, untouchable in all way.

She knew her own mother sometimes felt overwhelmed by it always placing her as THE standard whenever they had to participate in some of those gala's in town. It would be like "Peyton will never wear this." Or "Peyton will certainly like that."

Despide the fact that Esmeralda Sanchez, was a really good looking latina who had nothing to envy to anyone. She was successful with beautiful children and a good mariage, but her world revolved around Peyton Sawyer as a referent point. No one could discuss that though, the woman was the paragon of what must be.

Lexa wonder if her mother had seen her wearing what she had on at work. If she did that would certainly boast her to live freely as she lately complained she wanted to live." In the moment."

The sadness brought by the sanitary crisis had put everyone in a sort of gloomy mood that damped even brightest spirits as Mrs Sanchez's.

Smiling knowingly, Lexa rolled her tongue against the inside of her right cheek amazed that at least there was one of them not refraining to actually live in the moment. Her eyes certainly like everyone did all day roamed the woman body, with fire burning the lower part of her neck.

The white leather pant she was wearing had all her curves hugged at all  the right places in a way that certainly incapacitated every functioning men and lesbian she had met throughout the day it could not be otherwise it was all so sensual how she moved her hips. No one could resist to stare, not even herself being, she thought, completely straight.

Her top was of it a really fashioned leather jacket of a different shade of white like really light brown was added. Her mind could only wondered what she was wearing underneath the leather jacket, and with a bit of hope, she wished it to be one of those bustier that showed the top of the cleavage giving the mind the work to image what was hidden underneath.

I SEE 'YOU' , The Woman With Greenish Blue EyesWhere stories live. Discover now