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The older Oreon gaze around her like to said 'you all see what she did?' though earning no compassion in return, everyone even her daughter knew she could be too much of a bitch everytime while Liz was tough when she felt overwhelmed which everyone would be if they were push like that.

Nodding at the phone, she kept ranting about how heartless her sister.

"You don't say anything!? She say she has money but will not give it to me is that normal!?" Looking at her mother with a hurt face she waited for and answer which never came.

The father who always side with her tried to step in the conversation but was stopped by Mrs Oreon herself, who calmly stood looking towards her older daughter, trying her best to be impartial knowing it wasn't fair what she was doing to her younger sister.

"Marla would have to do that course when you will have money. Don't go calling you sister names now when you are the one who failed her trust. You would have paid all the money you own her she would have give you what you asked without thinking back like she always do."

Turning to leave as everyone had theirs mouths some agape , others trying to hold laughs to burst, she walked towards the kitchen then stopped before going in to look back to the distraust Anael, never did she said something like that to her before, always siding with the silence which she knew now was the same as taking her older daughter side.

"You did this to yourself Anael Oreon. Take ownership of you act."

Going straight to what she had to do the woman wondered how she did nothing to hold her back before. Things were different since that days Liz walked out with her things not saying a word.

The silence was what they got since that day it was like she disappeared from the surface of the earth. Before she used to call but this time she had gone Mia on them, it was even a chance they could reach her today.

Shaking her head she took the pasta she was meant to prepare out of the counter top of her normal size kitchen, it was her place, the one she like to stay in it was the high tech kind but the surface was what she had the counter forming an L with drawers with the same form above was the things that filled it.

Then a big refrigerator and a table was placed one again the wall near the door and the other in the middle of the room. After putting the pasta in the waters that was boiling now, she put it earlier on the fire before the phone call, going there only when she heard Anael screaming.

Shaking her head she sighed loudly she didn't even knew what she expected when she heard her calling her. No one was made of iron , which even could be destroy. She missed her daughter now that she wasn't there anymore but at least she knew she was good wherever she was.

Stirring the pastas in the pot she stared toward the door where her older son was leaned on the doorframe his face saying it all, he looked like her, also the image of his younger sister but she had a fire no one could tame, where he knew how to take all in like herself.

"Pastas?" Nodding at him, she smiled at him way to not bring the issue on.

"Yes." Closing her eyes a moment she stirred the other pan that had the soup she was making then shut the fire off.

He came closer standing near her for a moment he knew normally no one bought pasta in the household but when Liz was there.

"She bought it?" Frowning as he looked at her he asked waiting for an answer.

"Yeah, funny right. Now that is how we communicate. Through delivery's products. They will bring things the paper had her name so I just sign. There is no call, nothing. Huh, at least she is good where she is." Nodding at her own words she felt her son hand on her shoulders then he kissed her head she could felt him nodded.

"Yeah. She's a tough one." Letting go of her he left the kitchen tightening his jaws, but what could he do? She has blocked every communication with them, social medias was never her things so closing her phone could do the trick. He even wondered how Anael got the chance to reach her, only to have it worse than before.

Still standing behind the slightly opened door piercing eyes studied the young woman who was now laying on the bed trying her best to not let it all go to shit.

She saw how she held her phone like she wanted to throw it in the air but stopped midway thinking otherwise then ran her shaky hand in her hairs messing with them then patted them back like nothing happened shaking her head she pulled her head back facing the ceiling for a moment like to push back tears.

She was so strong yet so fragile it was heartbreaking, at that moment she looked like the day they met. So heartbroken that the small smile that always plays on her lips was there nevertheless but you could feel the way it was all made up. With the nightmares the tiredness was clearly making it fade away like something cracking.

Standing in the middle of the corridor Peyton thought about giving her space, but a glance at the time given by the wall watch at the end of the hallway, she decided against it knowing it was already her medicines time, walking in the room with the tray she settled it on the nightstand then helped her in a sitting place to take her meal.

After she was done in a perfect silence that none of the two disturb, the older woman gathered the tray put it aside gave her her medicine then looked at her intently.

" I was meant to ask you something." Meeting her beautiful eyes as she said then waited for the young woman to settle comfortably on her back.

"What it is ?" Crossing her hand on her torsos Liz asked curious she wanted to speak she was being silent since she came here.

"Why do you always smile? Not that it is not good. Actually it is beautiful. But you do that all the time even when you are hurt."

Tilting her head to the side the perfect line of her neck stretching out to the light showing her porcelain skin, she smiled tenderly to nothing in particular having the business woman feeling some sort of way she couldn't deciphered then met her gaze something shining brightly in hers like a glowing sun that fuel her inwardly.

Weirdly the older woman found it disturbing yet so beautiful, she never like people who always smile but that one smile she knew now hid so much pain behind it she couldn't explain but just knew. The scene she just witnessed was all the proof she needed. What she was doing wasn't human.

"You wouldn't like it if i didn't smiled you know. I will not like it too."

"Why?" Really serious about it, the woman placed her had on her knee as she was now seating near her on the bed waiting her answer.

Shaking her head while sucking on her lips far in her thoughts for a moment, that smile came back almost instantly like it was permanent or there where someone or something that reminded her when she was going to not.

They stood like that for a longe moment not feeling oppressed by the silence which was growing enveloping them like a cover that felt so warmth that none of the two tried to break it even though it never occurred with someone else before, naturally the people around would call them weird, that they didn't knew they share.

It felt so peaceful to just sit there not feeling force to answer right away, just snuggling in the comfort of the moment.

Even Riley seemed to feel it too, because the voice was no where to be heard. Liking her lips she finally met the woman eyes mesmerized for a bit brown color but further more it was the depth in them that caught her off guard, it was like they had no end, Liz felt at ease staring into them, she could do that for all the remaining of her time here they were so calm like an anchor to her soul.

Shutting her orbs for a spilt second she had them opened again a smirk playing
on the corner of her lips. Feeling cheerful again just like that which felt good for a change.

"Because... Yeah because if I don't smile I will make the opposite you know... Frown. I don't quite like to frown it is saddening. I don't want to be sad."

Smiling at her answer Peyton shook her head understanding them patting her hand, her eyes never leaving hers.

I SEE 'YOU' , The Woman With Greenish Blue EyesWhere stories live. Discover now