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Well aware of the since the moment she had set foot in the room, the young woman had difficulties to focus. The intensity of the stare on her distracting her, Liz finally gaze toward the culprit her heart so caught of guard that her breath shook taken away by the sight of Peyton.

The hand bringing the popcorn to her mouth slow on its motion while she checked her out doing nothing to hide it all the while she walked toward the couch. Only when she reached her did she resettled her gaze on the TV. Making her a little more place on the couch, while swallowing her popcorn attentive to not have them down the wrong way.

Silently, Peyton sat scooting on her right side. Her pants stretching on her thighs, they were almost thigh to thigh, placing a hand behind Liz shoulders attentive of any indication she may not wanted it, Peyton relaxed having her almost in her warm, engulfed by her scent.

Rearranging herself to fit on the part of her torsos behind her Liz silently let her settled in the peaceful offering of grace, there will be enough time to discuss others matters after the movie, pulling popcorn in her mouth she rolled her head on Peyton shoulder nestling in the crook of her neck, eyes fixated on the TV.

Too overjoyed to say a word Peyton concentrated on the movie letting go of all tension. She knew they were going to fix whatever misunderstanding they had at the right time. Patience.

Two hours later, the last names scrolling on the screen, Liz completely leaned back in Peyton warmth for a moment still enthralled with the movie end. It was connecting to her in a way, like it was intended only for her. For them.

The value, the battles, the hope all of it counts when you decided to be a team, but a the end of the day being together was what matters. Not who was right or wrong.

Baffled she breathed in her lover scent wondering what to do. It was so easy to let go, but what if it become her habit to just disappear and appears whenever she wanted? Soulmate are supposed to understand each others, to be connected in a high level, a way different than normal human being would be.

She was sure Peyton Sawyer was her soulmate, that needed no discussion. She knew it deep down it was only her she would ever want. In this life and in all the others. That was not the point though. She was so hurt all the week, how could she just let it go? For once being difficult crossed her mind. But would it be wise when she knew it could be wrong? And to the wrong person?

'Communication is the keys right? You have just seen it in the movie. If you do not voice you discomfort how is she supposes to answer you. You know there is a reason. You know she loves you. Do not waste unnecessary time on such trivial thoughts. She is not like the others. Trust me on this. Hurting you will always have the same effect on her. Believe me?'

Lulled by Riley's voice, Liz rested her head in Peyton neck for a moment still shaken by the movie, her lover could tell by her prolonged silence that she could not stopped thinking at how similar things from that movie could be compared to their situation. For they knew it would be difficult, for several reasons, but like they had just seen they could ride above it all having each other's backs.

It was almost creepy. Creepier than a voice talking in her head? Making things appeared in her suitcase by happy mistake like it had seen her depression in advance? Or reassuring her to that everything will be alright? Peyton was no one fool. She did not think anything could surpassed that. She knew the timing of the movie was almost too perfect to be a coincidence.

Though the reason behind all of that she could not figured out. At least she could be contented having Liz at peace with her.

"You called her didn't you? It is not like I don't have a phone right? But you called Lexa everyday, not me. Not even one time."

I SEE 'YOU' , The Woman With Greenish Blue EyesWhere stories live. Discover now