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Two weeks after the fire, Liz was still staying at the Sawyer's. Her apartment was still not fit for habitation, apparently something to do with the interior designer being unavailable.

How dusting smoke and ashes out of a tiny place was a reason to summon a designer, she could not comprehended, all her proposal to attempt to it herself was refused with a stern look from Mrs Sawyer who had being at home all the time to take care of her.

A real Mama Bear, that was for sure.
The woman had started working at home to take care of the young woman herself. True be told, Liz could not complain about anything, it was all a royal treatment, so much so that she felt overwhelmed.

Though most of the time she asked herself what she would be doing when she will be by her own again. It was a real fear, Riley always deflected reassuring her of a better tomorrow in all cases. As out of send as it could be, she was forced on her on will as much as the testimony of her life to recognize her inner self was always accurate it predicting what was to come.

Finally straightening from the window frame from where she had been admiring the garden, feeling the need to be able the breathe actual air, not the conditioned one in Mrs Sawyer bedroom that smell just like her, a mixture of heaven and nature.

Looking around her, Liz shook her head at how it was already so natural for her to stand here feeling at home in the deepest way.

Knowing she was free to leave the bedroom two weeks after the incident, a medical advice her personal nurse only accepted after being convinced by the doctor who regularly visited  to check in if her health was improving.

The man was truly delighted to see she was doing just fine, had said that since she has stopped breathing weirdly which was all good, she could now bit by bit go out in the garden where there were fresh air.

Taking in the scent of Mrs Sawyer that clouded the room, she breathed it out slowly, her nerves immediately at peace. She loved it here, the big bedroom had her totally hook.

she loved better the fact that she had to share it with Mrs Sawyer who would always end up spooning her in the morning only letting go when she would know she was already awake.

Even though her daughter returned to her own house, apparently her husband came back from his business trip, freeing the other suite of the house, Mrs Sawyer had not shown any intention of moving either of them.

They have been sharing the same bed from day one, the house was separated in two suites, one for the mother the other for her daughter and grandchildren from the different part of the house. Any guest just stay out in one of the two large bedroom that was situated on the other side of the garden a bit far away.

Two days ago after she had voice her concern to not bother her anymore, she had told her it was okay they stayed in the same bedroom where she was likely able to ensure she was okay throughout the night.

"It is not like we are complaining. Stop overthinking it. We take it as it come remember."

Not really startled by Riley's popping out of nowhere, its presence was a part of her, grounding her in her truth self, contemplating her surrounding as she get passed the long corridor separating the vast bedroom in the right and Mrs Sawyer office and library in the left she finally entered a patio filled with what she could only guess was the finest of the art hung on the wall from the left the other next the exit door that gave to the garden.

One thing she had learned, was how high maintenance the older woman was. Everything that concerned her wellbeing was the best for her and her love ones.

Walking around the big garden that she used to look at all day from the  windows of her appartement, Liz took a big puff of air her mind in full gear, unable to stop thinking about the older woman behavior towards her.

I SEE 'YOU' , The Woman With Greenish Blue EyesWhere stories live. Discover now