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"Liz, sweetie wake up!" In the pit of the darkness that surrounded her the young woman could feel her body be shaken without her being able to respond to the voice she could hear but not comprehend.

Her stomach clenched making her almost buckled in the bed trashing everywhere her body sweating like water was poured on her, panicked Peyton breathing rage while she shook her a little stronger then one of her hand started making small slaps on her cheeks.

"Liz! Wake up now, sweetie it's just a bad dream..."

Far away from the firm but gentle voice that was trying to wake her up, Liz was trapped in her mind replaying images that was torture for her soul reminding her that she was by her own in this cold world. Her worse nightmare.

"You're a nothing! Hear me, nothing! you think that you just have to exist and everything will be throw at your feet!? You're nothing different than me!"

Standing near her bed Anael shouted her eyes shooting daggers at her sister visibly annoyed by her mere presence. Her nose flaring like a raging lion, the veins on her temples visibly popping, the thing that made Liz froze was how serious she was being.

It was far from fake, it was real how her sister looked at her with anger, clearly showing her true self. The venom behind her words combined with the hatred in her eyes, was the straw the young woman needed to know it wasn't something which could pass with time.

Sitting still on her bed she felt like an external viewer it felt strange but she could see them form afar her not moving while the body that carry her so called sister moved toward her like it was possessed by some force that urged her to hurt her.

" You can't be serious! Which kind of woman you are sitting at home doing nothing when I have to carry all the burden of this house on my shoulders!? I will not continue to feed a grown up adult !? You are just good to nothing!"

Her face blank Liz just looked at her contorted face consequence of her screamed not believing what she was saying, lying was what she did the most. Swallowing the lump she could felt hurt in her throat making it difficult to breathe, Liz waited for someone to say something but no one did.

Like always they were all silent starting from her big brother, the one following Anael, who stood near the bedroom door, to her parents and others siblings that was for sure in the living room that wasn't far.

She felt so alone that the heaviness of her body prevent her to do any move. She so desperately wanted to have a culprit, someone to hate or accuse but felt disarm.

She thought back at the small but comfy one bedroom apartment she shared with her friend, how it was good to be home for once in her life how she could do whatever she wanted and just be her with the wage she had from her tutoring works, in fact working with children with special needs was something that pay good money.

Her roommate could also payed his rent, they had a peaceful life until the sanitary crisis started making everything go south, with the parents that lost theirs jobs to those who was afraid of the illness her monthly payment decrease to not enough, then came the bankruptcy of the company where her friend worked here she was back to square one almost none year and a half, sharing the same place with the bully her sister was. It was like when she was born the mission she was given was persecuted
her life.

"When I'm talking to you you listen you cunt! Grow up and go there face the life like everyone do. You ain't special at all! LOOK AT ME!!" Charging on her she was stopped by their brother who stood in front of the bed pushing her away without a word.

"You're defending her! Seriously! You see that is why she is living in that Buble of hers, where everything is rainbow and wonderfully. Such a weirdo! Who ever see someone speaking and talking alone!? You ! I will put some sense in your head one of this days, maybe like that you'll be as normal as we all are!"

Saying that her eyes send real bullet to a cold Liz whose eyes never left her for a second. It was almost comical to see how she was displaying herself like a bad spirit moving her corpse, like she was possessed in another level. Knowing it was possible as she herself had Riley, Liz squinted her eyes rolling her tongue in her mouth keeping it from lashing at her with Riley help it was possible, she knew words could do as more damage as hundred punches.

Shaking her head to push away the surge of anger moving all her nerves like waves crashing in the sea just to be pushed back by Riley presence.

Trying to regulate her breath she internally counted to ten feeling cold sweat coming out of her pores like everytime she had to suppress her anger for her own good or someone else sake, she could be as vile with bonus, her tongue was a lethal arm she has sworn herself to never use against a human being because it wasn't fair on them when she knew it would be Riley destroying them to protect her.

Violence was the same morally, physically or spiritually it did the same, destroying the person subjected to it with a much more action on the one causing it. Liz knew the viscious circle it was, to play that game against someone just expressing theirs fears, the fears that clouded her life to not have enough which was understandable Liz thought if it wasn't at the expenses of her own sanity.

Anael was like her or the thousands youngs adults in the world that was forced to go back in the family house where no rent was due, she was now forced to share her bedroom with her two children who previously occupied Liz bedroom before she had to move in. Another reason to hate her guts.

To survive in a society that became expensive and live in it through all the confinements the government imposed to the population. They were blessed to have one big house that could work them all with foods every day due to everyone participating not only her big mouth sister. The woman was so full of herself it was infuriating.

That was the drama, too survived Liz has tried with all her strength but with the poison her sister was for her it was just difficult. It was starting to affect her sanity which wasn't good at all. All the stress it represented was something her nerves couldn't take anymore.

Looking at her still yelling at the top of her lungs while she blocked the sound of her voice, all she could see was the hatred coming from all her pores it was what made her ran the first time out of the family house now it was even worst.

Closing her eyes a bit she concentrated on making her nerves relax, she could feel a side of her face become numb while pain started spreading in her neck, moving her jaw she started massaging it wondering what it would look like if they all knew her secret.

For sure hell will be let loose, then she will have no one, not even the fake company they already was.

Feeling anxiety rise in her she felt the heaviness of her body like she was falling in some pit with someone screaming her name while her sister yelling started fading making the voice entered her system...

I SEE 'YOU' , The Woman With Greenish Blue EyesWhere stories live. Discover now