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No doubts allowed she could safely say they were friends. The kind of friendship that she never could have thought having or even entertaining in her wildest dreams.

Life had taught her really early that the fakeness in  people was their primal nature, which mean staying away from them playing her part in the game of Life.

Though she had tried to shield her child from it by teaching her to be true to herself. It was still a surprise how it felt good to understand and be understood by another being.

Her rational mind could not  grasped the perplexity in it. How curious? For fate to wait this time of her life to bring something like that to her. Not how she has imaged her life to end, clearly she was not delusional.

This was too good to fill the box of true. She knew deep down it was not entirely innocent, at least for her. Their friendly relationship did not stopped Peyton to have those hot dreams where Liz played the center part, worshipping all the parts of her body in a way no one ever did. Just, an extensive reflection of how she already looked at her.

Maybe innocent stare, no, she was sure, they were  for the young woman. She was so natural in all she focused on, passionate even. Going straight to whatever she found beautiful, her orbs in wonder would take it all in, like she just did with her flowers minutes ago.

She was a permanent child not able to hold their wonder through Christmas Eve. Peyton only ever saw that permanent glow in her grandchildren eyes. a reflect of what any human being would want to have emotionally directed to them, innocence to feed an hungry soul, yearning for authenticity, raw love.

She felt conflicted about it, even though it was wrong she could not denied how good it always feel when every morning she wakes up with her in her arms warm and cozy. Theirs bodies fitting so perfectly it was a dream come true for her.

Through out all her life the only bodies allowed to be that near to hers was her own blood and flesh, with others she would just performed to sate her hormonal need then pulled away disgusted by all the sweating and smell.

Tightening her shut eyes with all her may in an attempt to pushed it all away, she sighed softly defeated. All her heart managed was to send the signal of exhilaration she always gets around Liz to her brain, creating a wave of needs that hit her like a devastating wave that demanded to have something of Liz nearby. She could almost smell her intoxicating scent that was engraved in her mind making her mouth watered.

Her hand almost glued on the glass applied pressure to it coldness like she wanted to get through it to touch the young woman, but she knew she could not indulge in it. For so many reasons. For all the reasons! All the bad ones!

Infuriated she hit the glass. Those were feeling she never thought she could have toward same sex and YOUNGER! Like it was not enough! Never in a billion years, yet she found herself knowing all the crevices of her face, everything she liked or dislike. Her scent was her drugs.

She knew how to engage in making her expressed herself, all the code to take in consideration to have her opened up, which was important to crack her bubble, to have her communicating with her.

So many times she would tried to do things just to have the young woman pleased, putting herself aside. Going to length she would not used for someone else, not even for her daughter she knew she loved dearly. But with Liz it was different, her cautiousness was something Peyton vowed to break, she could read easily through her now anticipating her desires.

An open book she was, cracking her code felt like the best thing she ever did in all her life. Mathematics never failed she liked to say and had prove it again.

I SEE 'YOU' , The Woman With Greenish Blue EyesWhere stories live. Discover now