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Only enlightened but the light coming from the cell phone of her daughter Peyton breathed felling panic tried to make its way to her but being the big person she calmed herself down while placing her index on the young woman neck to find the pulse.

When she found it she breathed out relieved then proceed to pull the young woman body on hers she would have carried her by herself put it wasn't her age anymore. Staring at the source of the light she motioned her with her hand to approach and help.

"Carry her feet I will do the upper side. She can't stay here. I don't know the extended of the damages she had suffered."

Without a word Marilyn did as said lifting up what was cold bare feet. She couldn't agree more to get her out of the place.

They carry her all the way to down , peyton gear turning in her head, the way her thing was places showed that she she got out of her flat in a hurry to avoid her own house to burn forgetting to close the windows that gave to the back.

"Where are we heading, you know the room are used." Breathing heavily with the exercise she was doing that early in the morning, Marilyn asked knowing the bedroom was occupied by the children and herself.

"In my room. There it will be comfortable to clean her and tuck her in"

Without a word added, the woman did  as said helping to bring the inanimate body in her mother immaculate bedroom, feeling out of place in the big bedroom that fit two of the other bedroom in one, Marylin helped her to the same big bedroom that had a large mirror sperating the place to the dressing room it was far away from the door.

In there was a jacuzzi, a tube bath that could fit at least five person and a big shower, the place itself screamed expensive, her mother didn't played when it came to fancy and comfort. Looking at the young woman they placed on the comfortable chaise lounge that her mother user sometime to rest her feet, she understood the implications of what the still stanger had done.

She knew her mother's could never lost her house, the thought itself made her shuddered her gaze met her mother's who just nodded at her then started unbuttoning the clothes the woman had on.

"I will take it from here you can go now..."

Scolding herself internally for letting her go knowing she should have checked on her first by insisting, Marilyn bite her lower lip feeling her feet heavier. Glancing at her her mother did a small smile she knew her so we'll that she could see what was going on.

" Hey, it's not your fault baby. It will be okay from now believe me?"

Locking her gaze in her mother's she breathed out relieved, convinced by her mother poise, in fact she never lie to her before there were no reason for her to do now nodding she finally left the room leaving her mother to continue.

As soon as she did the woman tried to removed the t-shirt the young woman was wearing by lifting her to no avail. Leaving her there she opened a drawer on the invisible wall behind the mirror that covered that entire left one.

Then came back with no hesitation she tore the clothes away doing the same with the rest of her clothes that she removed to be completely surprised with her tone body that she covered with a blanket as soon a she saw how she shivered at soon as the cold air coming from the AC came in contact with her body.

Leaving her covered she started to prepared the bathtub with hot water and a good amount of a saltwater that she knew will relaxed her body doing wonder if it was sore what she knew it was, she always used it on herself when she end the day the thing cost an arm but works, wetting her lips with the tip of her tongue she glanced at the sleepy body thinking she could do whatever for her since she had made so much without even thinking about her own safety.

Testing the water with her fingers she hummed softly nodding at it then went and lifted her in her arms soon placing her in the tub smiling at herself happy that she was a lightweight,  at least she could carried her in small distance without harming herself.

She proceeded to wash her body appreciative of the way it was smooth and glistening, she always knew the young woman took good care of herself never did she imagined she could praise another female body but something was sure men certainly drolled at it.

Shaking her head in disbelief of her own thoughts she finished with her legs and started doing the same with her left arm
Generally the only body she ever praised was her own.

As she placed the sponge on her chest looking up she met greyish blue eyes that made her froze, the young woman put her hand up to stop her recoiling as far as she could never fading to look away it was like she had all of her in a radar to see what she would be doing.

Mimicking her movement Peyton put her own hand up to calm her.

"It's okay. I'm not trying to harm you. I found you soaked sleeping on the floor of your flat which is completely destroyed by the way. You were  freezing I'm.."

As suddenly as she wokeup the young woman fell asleep all of a sudden feeling so tired that she couldn't proceed what the woman was really saying her brain recognized her as Mrs Sawyer, all was saying was Riley registering to be sure she was safe as it was clearly the case he let go shutting down immediately. Only to be caught up by the woman strong arms.

"Woah! You sure are tired."

Finishing with her task she soon carried her out of the bathroom laying her on her towel she had previously placed on the mattress. After drying her body she moisturized it then put her one of her own PJ's she never wore then tuck her her in her large bed, the young woman rolled on her front snuggling her face in the pillow confortably.

After covering her with the big comforter she always had on her bed Peyton smiled tenderly as she could see a smile on the young woman lips from the angle she was sleeping in.

Seating there for a while she just stared at her astonished by her courage. Who would have thought she would save her from a disaster the day she rent her her flat? No one, certainly not her, reality hitting her she held her hand a bit tightly shaken to the core. With the traffic even if something happened to her while she tried to save the house no ambulance would have reach her home to save her.

By grace everything when fine, closing her eyes she could see the face of her husband nagging her already if someting would have happened.

I SEE 'YOU' , The Woman With Greenish Blue EyesWhere stories live. Discover now