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"Okay, but you know you have the right to be upset too right. It is healthy sometimes."

Chuckling at that like she said the most amusing thing she shook her head at her.

"I know but as soon as you open that door depression slide in. Too much time to get rid of it. While if you smile when the situation does not have it, the reverse action will go away. Smiling and frowning in all cases don't work together."

The answer that came out of Liz lips had the other woman flabbergasted it was quite a sight to have. A young person so mature was something rare, normally she never waste her time to talk with people younger aside of her daughter and grandchildren but this one was different it felt like they could talk all days. That to say her level of maturity, normally again she wouldn't even talk to people her own age, too much absurdity most of the time.

"You are far to young to be thinking like that you know." Never letting go of her eyes she uttered in a low voice making sure to still make it firm.

The voice was so gentle it made Liz wondered if she wasn't in one of her dream or something, usually people will not speak to her like that it was really getting on her how Mrs Sawyer was treating her. Not only that but she fear to get attached, but weirdly it felt like she knew the woman for ages.

"You know, personally I believe it is nothing but a number." Shrugging it off Liz said calmly.

"Still far too young." Not giving up Peyton counterattacked with a small smile liking they small chat.

"Nah. Then you really are a stranger. Normally people said I'm an old soul, which I think I am. Hey, don't laugh it's true."

Trying to make herself not laugh, which she failed miserably finding herself laughing as the young woman, who followed suit making her felt less inconsiderate, Peyton breathed out relieving all of the stress that had her bottled up since the incident three days ago more afraid of the young woman health.

"God hmmh, I, sorry but I think you are still young. It is a fact see." Pointing at her demeanor then at her own to point out the difference in age, Peyton gasped as she saw her finger be put away by a defeats Liz.

" Aargh... okay, your point. But still, it's just number." Smiling wide to her the young woman finally laid back on the pillow resting.

It felt good, talking like that to a human being without barrier of any sort, there were no awkwardness between them it was so natural too both that they went back in a peaceful silence.

Peyton studied the young woman face for who then closed her eyes for a while, not trying to withdraw herself to her scructinising gaze, in fact it felt like she didn't care at all.  She  didn't knew interacting like this with her was going to break the barrier she had built to block everything out.

Giving a squeeze to the knee her hand haven't let go, Peyton almost gasped when the greyish blue orbs suddenly opened meeting hers. Hiding her state behind a tender smile, it took her a moment to recover from the unexplainable shock she just felt. It was like connecting two part of an electric broken line.

"Hey, you are alright? I happened to hear you earlier." Blurting it out of nowhere the older woman waited her heart rate racing a little praying for her to not shut her out.

Thinking so herself the young woman pursed her lips.

"I don't want to talk about it... But I'm fine. Thanks for asking." Smiling warmly at her with a playfull wink the woman respond with an equally bright smile knowing it was a question for another time.

"Okay, you are welcome. Huh, I also mean to ask you what you wanted to eat for dinner. "

As soon as she tried to open her mouth to protest, a finger was placed on them shushing her. From the days she had been in the house because of her flat still being trash by the ashes that was everywhere, and her current state wasn't helping her to not be treated like a queen. She just had to command and it was handed to her.

"Don't even try please?" Almost begging for her to not started with the same discussion they have everyday, Peyton waited for her to nod before removing her finger off her lip.

"Huh, fine I would have  pastas" the command brought a tender smile on Peyton lips.

"Okay you really love pastas. Everytime I will ask it's the first thing you pronounce."

Just humming  at her remarks the young woman yawned tiredness visible all of a sudden in her eyes.

"Yeah that, I can't say no to pastas. You think they already cooked it in another form where I come from?"

Lost by her question for a slight second, a huge smile broke on Peyton face understanding what she was talking about.

"You really are something else. But I don't know, remember though... Where is it located where you are coming from? I never heard that Stargate was real I thought it was all fiction. Now tell me from which intergalactique door did you came from? No you didn't took one!? Ohh then maybe you just let's said... appeared."

Doing like she really was taking it in consideration Lizandra nodded frantically looking serious about it.

"Yeah like I did abracadabra and here I was in my mother womb... No! Or ... when the baby was already born! See an intelligent and beautiful soul that came to rescue the world. Yeah that you are right! I never saw it that way."

Meeting the woman complete shock eyes, thinking she was certainly questionning her sanity at the way she was seriously in it, the you woman erupted in a fit of laughter pointing her face all as she was laughing.

Hitting her arm playfully Peyton followed right away laugher filling the place. Liz felt at ease, the way the woman played along with her was a feeling she never get. She didn't judge her or nothing only trying to make her feel good.

"Ohh my... You would have seen your face it was priceless!! Ahahaha.... Oh goodness... Thanks you I'm good now."

Wiping the tears that was still hung on the side of the young woman left eye with the top of her thumb, Peyton smile remained her heart feeling light.

"It's quite an accomplishment then, I'm honored. Now you have to sleep too much emotions can cause tiredness. I'll be there to wake you when your food will be ready so you can take your medicine too."

As she tucked her in rearranging her pillows something she was already used to, the you woman shook her head feeling her eyes getting heavier. She could feel a hand patting her hairs pushing her further in a deep slumber.

Soft lips lingered on her forehead peppering small kisses like Liz saw so many times on TV before her thumb certainly rubbed away the small lipstick that stained the surface.

Thinking she was already sleeping, which she was going in and out the older woman emitted a small sigh.

"Such an angel. But a hurt one. If only you knew how strong you are? What is sad is you do but I will want you to know that even the strongest need to rest sometimes. It's so easy for a tight rope to cut than a loosen one. I wish one day you will understand it and really let go."

Kissing her one more time she stood up and soon enough the door closed with a small click. Rolling on her front Liz took in the lavender scent.

"I love that one!" Out of nowhere Riley voice filled her head making a grumpy sound escaped Liz lips but she had to agree Mrs Sawyer was someone out of the ordinary.

"Me too. " After mumbling that she blackout totally gone her heart and all her being feeling totally at ease, it felt like home to be where she was, never did she felt like that before.


I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New year. All good things for 2022.

I SEE 'YOU' , The Woman With Greenish Blue EyesWhere stories live. Discover now