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"I will have her in check for quite sometimes, it's normal that she breathes like that though she inhale a lot of smoke, it will fade away in some days. I took the liberty to buy the medecines she could need, I would let you some of them since it's not that worse."

Nodding at what the doctor said Peyton breathed out relieved to know she would be okay, sometimes through the night she started breathing heavily in a weird way worrying her at some point.

As he spoke he retrieved a plastic bag in which he removed two bottles of medicines which looked like syrups, then gave her the rest with the receipt looking at it she checked the content of the bag before mentally reducing it from the receipt.

" Thanks you for doing that, really, it is really kind of you, save us a lot of time."

" You are welcome, I thought ahead. I  know you come here to rest, the go pay them would be a real trip with the traffic we have in this town."

Smiling sweetly at the old man that was her doctor for as long as she could remember she nodded appreciatively
Walking him out of her bedroom she glanced at the perfusion that was linked on the young woman hand to give her strength.

Putting her hand in her pocket she retrieved a stack of money that she unfolded then put some back there before handing the rest to the man making sure to tip it he was always disponible for them whenever she calls him.

Without another word uttered she accompanied him to his car bidding him her goodbyes and thanks as he left.

After closing the gates she directly went in the kitchen to help her daughter with the meals, she knew Ms Oreon, as she knew the young woman name was, would certainly be hungry when she would wake up the doctor said it would be alright that is why he put her on IV, she also knew that certain people slept heavily. It was already 3pm.

"Hey! You did everything I asked? "

Bitting her bottom lips, Marilyn moved out of her mother way to let her the space to prepare the mash potatoes with roasted chicken soup that was really something she loves eating, shaking her head she couldn't believe she knew nothing in cooking while her mother was a chef, it wasn't for not trying a disaster she was in a kitchen.

Kissing her forehead while she took everything in charge Peyton wet her lips knowing what was going on in that head of hers.

"You know other things." Saying that she waited for her eyes to meet hers what she did with a small smile.

The way she could read her mind always astonished Marilyn sometimes, and open book she was like she always says.

" Like what Mama? You know I'm not complaining. I'm who I am."

" That is my girl. Keep that spirit and no one will never put you down. "

Chuckling at her words the young woman propped herself up on the counter her eyes following her mother every move in the very high-tech Kitchen that could have been taken out if a house magazine, it was from floor to ceiling white with variation of grey on the counter and a bit of red on the top drawers the architect that did that knew what he was doing. Everything was perfectly put.

Her gaze following all her move she sat there in silence at peace with herself she knew she had a chance to have a mother like hers others didn't, some of her friends couldn't say the same with theirs parents pushing them to the edge to replace them when they will retire in their family business or to fend for themselves as soon as they had their diploma.

It was really something terrible that always give her goosebumps all over the body. Donna one of her friends had to be a striptease to have some sort of money while her other best friend had to major in business management to take the company after her father retirement.

Marilyn was never good at school, she had a degree yes, but only because her mother had to pay a lot of money to have it happening through tutoring and cry. She couldn't remembered a school year which didn't came with tutoring, C was what she always get to just pass, school wasn't her thing like at all.

Having a supporting mother help all the way she knew if it was only for her father she or any members of his side of the family she would have committed suicide long ago, no one knew about everything her mother had to do for her to not be the last of the family but at least her having a degree shut a lot of mouths.

Sure the woman was a nightmare for people she didn't loved but she knew she loved her and her children dearly. Very younger she had taught her to always be proud of herself even if she didn't meet the standard of the society because she herself will always be there for her no matter what.

More than just words she had prove it in all her actions, Marilyn couldn't be more thankful knowing the dragon she could be with others.

To see the way she was taking care of that young woman was really a sight coming out of a parallel universe, but again when she knew how much she had invested to construct her palace of house it was comprehensive. 

The fact that it took to almost died for her to acknowledge someone by putting down the fortress she pulled around her was amusing. Chuckling she shook her head immediately having her eyes on her.

"What is so amusing?"

"Don't worry about that. Just a memory that came in my mind." Still suspicious her mother let it slide to concentrate on her task.

Breathing normally again Marilyn got off the counter to go watch TV with her kids, God only knew how she adored them, they all were smarter as their grandma who by the way could get scary sometimes when she was being laugh to which explains why she ran away from the kitchen.

" Liz? Liz wake up! Lizandra...! "

Drifting in a pit that had no end she found herself trying to follow the voice but nothing gave a hint of the direction in which it was coming, she was trapped again it that loop she didn't knew how to escape relieving her memory again and again like a tap that was put in replay forever.

I SEE 'YOU' , The Woman With Greenish Blue EyesWhere stories live. Discover now