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Annoyed at the TV's channels which showed nothing interesting or that she already watched, like they all made a point to have nothing to stop her from brain damage resulting of too much thinking.

Utterly bored Lizandra shut it down Liz leaned completely on the cushions  of the expensive leather couch of Peyton's living room. Propelling her feet up and down like some sort of exercise with closed eyes she kept going a moment before throwing the remote control at her feet. Barely holding a sigh.

Rolling her head to the side, she opened her eyes to have them on the one and only person she did not want to think about. Peyton, who was nowhere to be seen.

Since that day in the garden she was gone. To the town apparently they needed her there physically for her work. They could not handled a thing! Seriously it was already one week! Not even a call!?

Liz was starting to think what had happened was something that came out of her head or she had what she wanted then the same story a she had heard from her sister and cousins about being left down after providing for the needs of the other.

Nah! Shaking her head she pushed the idea away. Not possible. Frowning at the idea she shrugged it off focusing on the ceiling it was white as it come. With chandeliers all around a big one in the center. She always wondered how someone could hang something as dangerous in a place where people likely to be at every time o the day.

What if the think fall? There were children around most of the time. Clearly it was dangerous, but whatever the queen wants she gets. Squeezing her eyes she breathed in and out repetitively to get rid of negative energy.

"Ma'am your dinner is served."

Staring at her left where the voice was coming from near the entrance of the dinning room, she saw the woman who was taking care of her doing all the things around the house and making sure she needed nothing. Peyton's idea, she was not complaining though it was good to have someone around. It stopped her from thinking too much or feeling like she was the only being in the surface of the Earth.

"Thanks you Lexa, I'll be there soon."

Almost dismissive she said not really feeling like eating, it was not like she had not done it already in the morning and at noon. Lexa was like a police officer in charge, a minute never pass the time of her meals. If she was not already used to Peyton doing the same , she would have freak for certain.

Eating was the least of her concern at the moment. She really did not felt hungry at all.

A little bit of doubt crossed the woman face who feared she would not eat and her employee would have her head. The woman was a particular shade of scary, an out of scale actually, Lexa thought frowning.

Seeing the way her head took time to be set in motion, Liz who could read micro expression sat doing her best to not sigh but she did internally.

"Okay, here I am." Following the woman who stood not far away from the couch to the dinning room, she sat at the table waiting to be serve since from day one she had insisted it was in her job instructions.

"Why are you always so insisting. It is not like someone will know what happened here." Holding her fork in one hand and a knife both from a highly expensive set that could change someone life out there literally!

Holding her hands still from both sides of her plate a moment waiting for Lexa to respond.

Patting her blouse like there were some sort of invisible dirt on it, she parted her lips but said nothing closing them hesitation visible on her face. Looking at her plate, Liz mind tried to remember if she has ever seen a wrinkle on them even, it was like she was some kind of hostess.

I SEE 'YOU' , The Woman With Greenish Blue EyesWhere stories live. Discover now