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"shit! Who does that!? Why am I that stupid!?" Pestering to myself I looked around my flat in horror.

'Stop that, you are not stupid. You did the right thing.' being the voice of reason Riley calmed me.

"No I'm not! That is why I left that STUPID window opens! Tell me that is not stupid for you?"

I could feel Riley rolling its eyes if it's had a body at my comment.

'No! You aren't stupid it was an act of someone that care. You did that to save every one which you did so stop calling yoursel..."

"You could have tell..." Directing the light all over the place my eyes popping out of my head at the sight of my place and clothes all covered with ashes.

'Liz shut up.... This is not important okay. If you weren't hungry maybe other sense would be working. Who helped you down there? The knights in the shining armor?! You literally save this woman house!'

"We...,Pausing in her my track I sighed exhausted, We did. Sorry for yelling... God I'm a weirdo I'm speaking all alone in the middle of a dark flat... don't come with Riley, yeah I'm not redoing that discussion again... All my things are covered with ashes. How will I buy new ones? I don't have that money."

Sitting on the floor devastated I looked around everything was dark with ashes. I forgot the window open and the smoke filled the house sticking on the wall and ceiling. How it does that I have no idea but the fact was my place was trashed.

Overwhelmed by everything I started crying my eyes out like a baby allowing myself to be weak, the hungriness taking over me. How I wish so hard to have someone that would take care of me, someone for who I will count out of Riley of cause.

'You should eat liz.' hearing Riley like in a dream I kept crying not caring anymore.
'Lizzz you have to take something, stop self pitying yourself everything is gonna be alright.'

Trying my best to stand I finally arrived near the fridge taking out a slice of pizza and a bottle of yogurt that I swallowed as much as I could then just like that I was out snuggled near the fridge. Tiredness taking a over the already weak body it felt like Riley forces was at it's limit.

Around 4am the headlights of a car
lightened the front of the big gates using the distance fonctionning to open it from the car she finally entered exhausted from the traffic. Staring at her big house she saw that damages was no where
to be seen from the front, exiting her black Mercedes Benz she walked towards the back led by the light that was on.

When she thought that she first did not wanted to install the solar system to this side of the house it gave her shill. Arriving to the back the sight made her cringed, the place was all burnt fire roamed the wall that was all to be renew looking around the site she saw that the dark smoke was all over her back wall going to the third level that had the only windows to the back.

Inspecting it further tilting her head as much as she could one of her hand doing the shield in front of her eyes , she saw that the window was opened and totally covered by ashes as if there where fire on it.

Sighing she wondered wether she should go thete to see. as she was pondering on it , she heard someone coming behind her, looking back she saw her daughter blonde hair, she just woke up base on her face.

"Mama you are here." Hugging her thigh, Marilyn breathed in her hairs her heart at peace.

"Yeah baby, the traffic was a nightmare. I'm so happy to have you in my arms it hurt. I don't know what I would have done if something happened to you and the kids. I love you so much my love."

Happy to hear it Marilyn snuggled in her mother embrace taking what was giving to her, it wasn't everyday the woman was so emotional.

" I love you too Mama. I'm happy you are here."

After a moment of taking each other strength, Peyton let go of her daughter  her mind kept drifting to the top..seeing that her daughter sighed shaking her head at her approvingly.

"Oh, her.... You should go see. She does fathom me.

"What? How?" Perplexed at the new.

"A bad start I guess." Shrugging it off, the young woman said thinking back at the last interaction between her and the woman she still didn't knew the name.

"You!? Have a bad start with someone!?" Trouble by what she was hearing Peyton shook her head dumfounded. Her daughter she knew was the sweetest person she knew what was going on?

Her forehead a bit wringled as she questionned herself she finally pushed it away too looked at her wristband, it was already 4.39 am.

Following her intuition she started walking toward the inside small gates that gave access to the third level going through a rather long staircase.

"Mama!? What are you doing? She is certainly sleeping...  Mama..."

Without stopping at her daughter voice she opened the gates that separate her side to the young woman keeping it like that. Before going up she took a moment to verified that the one that gave to the outside was close in her side, like that her grandchildren was safe, at least the with the electrified wall that was still functioning with the solar system no one could entered while they where up.

"You can come with me or go back inside, I will just check up on her, jus to be sure she is fine."

Sceptic to that Marilyn tag along walking close behind her mother. The two women   took in all the stairs wondering how the young woman could live in there, it literally took theirs breath away.

Arrived in front of her door, Peyton breathed out felling the exhaustion of the long night kicking in but worry replaced it as soon as she tried to knock at the door which opened under the small pression revealing a dark place that smelled like something burnt inside she felt something switched in her stomach.

Alarmed both women entered barely seeing anything fetching her phone in the pocket of her pant Marilyn gave it to her mother who immediately closed her mouth with her vacant hand in horror as she saw the wall covered with ashes everything was almost black with the dirt of the fire.

Roaming all the place she saw nothing in her bedroom and in the living room, getting frustrated she passed a hand in her hairs massaging her skull, wondering where she could be at that time.

"You said she went back home right?"

"Yes, I swear, she walked out of the house. Plus she doesn't have a car where could she go in the middle of the night."

Checking out the kitchen to see if the damages reach there Peyton gasped at the sight before her eyes. The young women was sleeping on the floor in a bowl hugging herself a bit trembling. Rushing toward her she gave her daughter the phone removing her shawl she put it around her to give her some sort of warmth.

"Oh my God! Did she fainted? Is she breathing?"

I SEE 'YOU' , The Woman With Greenish Blue EyesWhere stories live. Discover now