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Holding onto the voice screaming her name to wake up she finally opened her eyes to be met by a very panicked Mrs Sawyer urging her to wake up her hand wiping her face.

Self-conscious she looked around her to confirm it was all real then closed her eyes inhaling regaining some strength.

The moment she did it was when she felt how wet she was, her body shivered at the cold feeling it made on her skin, tears kept pulling out of her eyes with a mind of their own making her immediately hardened her face under the other woman astonished eyes, breathing out shakily then made the woman a sorry smile while moving back to lean on the pillows behind her still unsettled.

Not having it seeing how she was trying to be brave the older woman pulled her in her arms feeling both relieved to have her out of whatever it was but sad she had to live whatever traumatic dream that had her in that state.

"It's okay my sweetheart it was just a bad dream. Nothing will happen to you here." While mumbling soothing words on her ears she could feel her body relaxed in her arms even though she did nothing to hug her back.

Closing her eyes in the crock of her neck, Liz breathed in the lavender scent feeling much better while her mind grifted back to the morning after that horrible day she kept relieving in her dream Mrs Sawyer voice making her feel safer than ever with all the endearments names she used on her.

"Oh darling it was just a bad dream, just a bad one...." She kept saying that having Liz take a deep breath closing her eyes while on their own her arms held the woman side clinching onto her.

She could still see it like it was the day before how they first met.

Waking up early around 04 am mostly feeling hungry after missing the food the night before, Liz did her morning routine, wore a brown skinny jeans with same color converse a white T-shirt that said 'wish me luck' on it threw her leather jacket above took her backpack then left the bedroom tiptoeing to not meet someone on the way which she did by God grace.

After a detour in the kitchen to fetch herself a sandwich and a bottle of juice she left by the back door meeting their neighbor who was going out to run. The woman was the really definition of fitness always out running.

"Hi dear, seems like we are early birds today."

Smiling at her Liz waved her morning shaking her head then took the bottle of water she was handing her.

"Though we have different agendas. Thanks" Laughing at her answer the mature woman made her a salute while running to the opposite direction. Free hands shaking her head at the new bottle of water she had received she put it in her back, shrugging her shoulders.

Nodding at herself for making someone smile that early she took it as a sign of luck.

"For God sake Riley! We have been walking all day long for nothing! My feet are sore, I'm tired and on verge of breaking down, look how far we are from the City, this is not good, not good at all."

Looking behind her from the elevated side of the Town she was placed in, she could see the downtown area very far, to think her parents house was to the neighborhood that was in the other side of it almost gave her fever.

Feeling deflated for following Riley instructions for once in her life she knocked a stone harder making it stumbled all the way to a road she didn't want to take whatsoever Riley was urging her to go there.

"Triple NO! You have been asking me to walk ALL day for nothing! Look where we are! No where, there are dust everywhere what if something happens to me here!? So no I'm not moving there! Plus I'm sure you have seen the kind of house that are constructed here, nothing I can afford!"

Shaking her head she argued with her inner self certainly looking like a fool for an outside viewer.

"Did I ever mislead you? " Rolling her eyes at Riley question she shook her head no knowing there were no need to speak.

"Then take that road you will see." Breathing her frustration out feeling her feet started hurting she walked on the one way path, very aware of her surrounding, apparently it was a new neighborhood that by the sight of it will be a very expensive one.

Not all the houses that was around was already finished there were some with no sign of rental sign. Snorting at Riley stubbornness she finally turned on her left only to be meet with a deadthending.

In fact there where only one house, more than a two level mansion that looked like it came out of those magazines her previous roommate used to buy, it certainly was the reason why the road was brand new but apart of it there were no house on that side, just a big nothingness filled with unfinished houses no one could stay in.

Turning toward the biggest gate she ever saw that was so brand new, she wondered if it was really a place someone could live in. The walls was so high, with all the protective gears found in a prison environment that it almost made her shuddered.

Taking her bottle of water out thankful for it she drank it all then sat on the ground massaging her feet while blocking the idea of going back home by foot if she wanted to be able to rent something.

Defeated she laid her head on her knees, pondering on how she could do to not go back in that house, she really thought she could find something but all she had founded was too expensive or not safe. She knew even running away from her family wasn't worth lowering her standards.

Being a bit of a neat freak as she was sometimes called, that would be going out of one hell to another one.

Feeling a car coming towards her she hurriedly stood up getting out of the way while studying the brown brand new Mitsubishi Pajero sport SUV parking in front of her just to have the owner getting out of their car. Feeling anxious Liz blinked squinting her eyes at the sight of the beauty that exited the car making her looked at her in awe, she was so beautiful it was surreal.

The real definition of a milf. She was so mature, with curves at the right places.

Never did she saw someone like that in her real life no wonder she own the house behind her, not even sure she just knew, the woman breathed power.

Amused by the way she looked at her, the older woman smiled tenderly surprising herself.

"Hi, may I help you sweetie?" Removing her glasses the woman asked her in an accent that had her totally in a daze. The smoothness of her voice was captivating.

'Liz she asked you a question.'

Coming back to her senses she shook her head no so vigorously that the woman pursed her lips studying her from the bottle she had in her hand to her entire self.

Feeling self-conscious the young woman looked around then at the older woman knowing she was waiting for her to answer.

"I think I'm lost. I, hmmm I was looking for something too rent, but apparently I have to go back now." Turning her back to leave she was stunned when the well-manicured hand stopped her pointing at the house behind her.

From there she managed to convince her to accept her offer to rent the one bedroom apartment on the top floor for almost nothing, arguing that it was a win-win situation since she was rarely there on work day while Liz only work on the weekends.

Making it a deal she slept there that night then went back the day after to get her things out of her older bedroom without talking to anyone.

Aware she had her to thanks for being free, Liz hugged her back thanking the universe for still having people like her alive.

Tired of the wild emotions she had, her eyes closed while her body started going limp in the strong and warmth arms that held her. Feeling it the other helped her laid back on the mattress tucking her in before kissing her forehead.

"Have sweet dreams dear." Blacking out Liz slept that time peacefully under an attentive gaze that left her after sometimes reassured she was fine.

I SEE 'YOU' , The Woman With Greenish Blue EyesWhere stories live. Discover now